- You have to enter numerator and denominator. 您需要輸入結果的分子和分母。
- Divides one number (numerator) by another number (denominator). 用一個(gè)數(分母)去除另一個(gè)數(分子)。
- How do you get the result? ( fix denominator, plus numerator. 你是怎樣算的?(分母不變,分子相加)
- Returns numerator divides denominator and numerator % denominator . 回傳此分數的分子除以分母的商和模數.
- Denominator represents numbers of used kits and numerator represents. 分母表示所用試劑數,分子表示為陽(yáng)性反應的試劑數。
- Numerator is the number of positive, denominator is the number of nepative. 分子為陽(yáng)性數,分母為感染豬的血清樣品總數。
- When expressing a fraction you must use the denominator and then the numerator. 表示分數時(shí),必須先用分母,后邊用分子。
- As a result, the denominator and numerator should be about equal if the null hypothesis is true. 因此,如果無(wú)效假設為真,那么分母和分子應該差不多相等。
- The success of the film demonstrates the denominator of public taste. 這部電影的成功表明了大眾口味的平均水平
- In the bar of weight, numerator is weight of torque mode, denominator is weight of thrust mode. 重量欄中,分子為轉矩型重量,分母為推力型重量。
- To remove (a common factor) from the numerator and denominator of a fractional expression. 約分:從一個(gè)分數表達式的分子和分母去掉(一個(gè)公因子)
- How do you get the result? (the product of numerator act as numerator, the product of denominator act as denominator. 你是怎樣算的?(分子相乘的積作分子,分母相乘的積作分母)
- Each pair represents a fraction; the first integer is the numerator and the second integer is the denominator. 每一對都表示一個(gè)分數;第一個(gè)整數是分子,第二個(gè)整數是分母。
- Creates a fraction with the numerator and denominator centered above and below the division line, respectively. 創(chuàng )建分數,分子分母分別在分數線(xiàn)上下居中。
- Only a single denominator do they share. 他們只有一種共同的特點(diǎn)。
- To remove(a common factor)from the numerator and denominator of a fractional expression. 約分從一個(gè)分數表達式的分子和分母去掉(一個(gè)公因子)
- With estimating the numerator of the new SIMO model transfer function first and the common denominator later, the parameter estimation of the original SISO model is obtained. 再估計出這個(gè)新的單輸入多輸出系統的傳遞函數,最后得到原單輸入單輸出系統的模型參數。
- To remove(a common factor) from the numerator and denominator of a fractional expression. 約分從一個(gè)分數表達式的分子和分母去掉(一個(gè)公因子)。
- The numerator of beat number denote number of each section, denominator denote one beat of some note. 拍號中分子表示每小節的拍數;分母表示以某種音符號為一拍。
- In this exercise you have to convert a given number into a fraction by entering numerator and denominator. 在此練習中您要將一個(gè)給定的數字轉換成一個(gè)分數,輸入轉化結果的分子和分母。