- The characters used to represent currency symbols, thousand separators, and decimal points are defined in format providers. 用于表示貨幣符號、千位分隔符和小數點(diǎn)的字符均在格式提供程序中定義。
- The first twofigures after the decimal point indicate tenths and hundredthsrespectively. 小數點(diǎn)后的頭兩位數分別表示十分位和百分位。
- The number immediately to the left of the decimal point in the Arabic numeral system. 個(gè)位在阿拉伯數字系統中緊靠在小數點(diǎn)左邊的數字
- With decimal point, span, range and digit zero setting function. 具有小數點(diǎn)設定、比率、量程及零點(diǎn)調整功能。
- You should avoid default precision and scale settings for NUMERIC and DECIMAL data types, because these are different between Adaptive Server Anywhere and Adaptive Server Enterprise. 應該避免NUMERIC和DECIMAL數據類(lèi)型的缺省精度和小數位數設置,因為它們在A(yíng)daptive Server Anywhere和Adaptive Server Enterprise之間是不同的。
- Natural data typing and decimal arithmetic. 自然的數據類(lèi)型和數值運算。
- The number in the third position left of the decimal point in an Arabic numeral. 百位阿拉伯數字十位左邊、第三位上的數字
- The period is also used as a decimal point. 句號也可用作十進(jìn)制的小數點(diǎn)。
- Round off after the decimal point. 小數點(diǎn)以下四舍五入。
- One digit always precedes the decimal point. 小數點(diǎn)前總有一個(gè)數字。
- Number of digits to the right of the decimal point. 小數點(diǎn)右邊的數字個(gè)數。
- FuelCost: Change the Length to 5 and Decimal places to 2. 燃油費用 :更改 長(cháng)度 為5,以及 小數點(diǎn)位數 為2。點(diǎn)擊 格式示范 按鈕。
- Reach the second place after decimal point. 準確到小數點(diǎn)后兩位。
- MC14499 was the serial display driver of BCD input and decimal output. MC144 99是一種BCD碼輸入 -十進(jìn)制碼輸出的串行顯示驅動(dòng)器 .
- There are radical differences between binary and decimal numeration. 二進(jìn)位和十進(jìn)位計算有著(zhù)根本的區別。
- The number of digits to the right of the decimal point. 則為小數點(diǎn)右邊位數。
- Digits to the right of the decimal point in a number. 數字中小數點(diǎn)右側的位數。
- This procedure will sort numeric and string data. 這個(gè)程序將排序數字和串數據。
- The comments were numerous and serious. 評論的范圍既廣泛而又嚴肅。
- The decisive decimal point made ac the acid man decide to suicide. 決定性的小數點(diǎn)使刻薄之人決定自殺。