- The user handofF algorithm can reduce the number of handoff and balance the load among mobile base stations in dynamic topology. 在網(wǎng)絡(luò )動(dòng)態(tài)變化時(shí),用戶(hù)切換管理算法可以減少用戶(hù)的切換次數,使用戶(hù)負載分布均勻。
- In each cell there is a base station and a certain number of frequencies available. 每個(gè)小區設有基站及可供使用的一定數量的頻道。
- The protocol decreases the number of cluster head which communicates with base station,reduces the energy consumption,and prolongs the network lifetime. 實(shí)驗證明,該協(xié)議減少了與直接基站通信的簇首的個(gè)數,降低了能耗,延長(cháng)了網(wǎng)絡(luò )的生命周期。
- According to the company every lower-level visits to the site is divided into clearing, thus defrauding large number of mobile phone charges. 該公司根據每個(gè)下級網(wǎng)站的訪(fǎng)問(wèn)量來(lái)分成結算,從而騙取大量手機資費。
- Considering the great number of mobile users and their eagerness for mobile reading, this business promises a very big potential space of development. 鑒于國內移動(dòng)用戶(hù)的龐大數量和對移動(dòng)閱讀內容的渴求,該業(yè)務(wù)具有非常廣闊的發(fā)展空間。
- And overall, the number of mobile subscribers in the world's most populous nation is continuing to grow, especially as they use phones to go online. 總體而言,這個(gè)全球人口最多國家的手機用戶(hù)數量還在繼續增長(cháng),尤其是在用手機上網(wǎng)日漸普遍之際。
- GSMA recently announced that global use of the use of mobile broadband (HSPA) network number of users, from 07 of the 11 million to 50 million. GSMA近期宣布全球范圍使用使用移動(dòng)寬帶(HSPA)網(wǎng)絡(luò )的用戶(hù)數量,從07年的1100萬(wàn)增加到5000萬(wàn)。
- The number of mobile phone subscribers in China ranks second in the world,and in the past 12 months alone,the increase of mobile phone users was 60 million. 中國移動(dòng)電話(huà)用戶(hù)居世界第二。在過(guò)去12個(gè)月中,中 國的移動(dòng)電話(huà)用戶(hù)又增加了6千萬(wàn)。
- The number of mobile phone subscribers in China ranks second in the world, and in the past 12 months alone, the increase of mobile phone users was 60 million. 中國移動(dòng)電話(huà)用戶(hù)居世界第二。在過(guò)去12個(gè)月中,中國的移動(dòng)電話(huà)用戶(hù)又增加了6千萬(wàn)。
- We expect the number of mobile video phones to quadruple between 2007 and 2011,” said Jeff Heynen, directing analyst for IPTV at Infonetics, said in a statement. 我們預測到2011年視頻手機的數量將是2007年的四倍?!?/li>
- The pan-European digital mobile communications using a GMSK modulation, while the United States and Japan, the number of mobile communication QPSK modulation technique is used. 泛歐的數字移動(dòng)通信采用的是GMSK調制,而美國和日本的數字移動(dòng)通信則采用QPSK調制技術(shù)。
- The number of fish in coastal waters has decreased. 沿海魚(yú)的數量已減少了。
- A number of new hats were on parade at the wedding. 在婚禮上見(jiàn)到有些人戴著(zhù)新式的帽子。
- A number of satellites are now circling the earth. 一些人造衛星現在正環(huán)繞地球飛行。
- I seriously question a number of your assertions. 對你所堅持的說(shuō)法,有幾點(diǎn)我甚為懷疑。
- Report number of all persons at assembly stations. 報告集合地點(diǎn)人數。
- Report number of crewmembers at assembly stations. 報告集合地點(diǎn)船員數量。
- This system makes the deal through identifying the numbers of mobile or ID cards, avoiding the unsafety due to the lost, forge, and steal of the paper lottery. 由于本系統通過(guò)識別手機號碼(手機交易)或身份證號碼(固定電話(huà)交易)來(lái)實(shí)現下注和對獎,完全避免了使用紙彩票所帶來(lái)的由于丟失、偽造、被竊造成的不安全性。
- Report number of passengers at assembly stations. 報告集合地點(diǎn)旅客數量。
- What is a Reasonable Number of Service Stations? 也談加油站數量的多與少?