- Although this option substantially increases the size of a normal backup job, it benefits Exchange backups because it backs up the Internet Information Services (IIS) metabase. 雖然此選項會(huì )極大增加普通備份作業(yè)的大小,但是它對Exchange備份很有幫助,因為它備份Internet信息服務(wù)(IIS)元數據庫。
- If you are backing up to a tape drive (as specified in the Destination section of the General page), the Unload the tape after backup option is active. 如果備份到磁帶機(如同“常規”頁(yè)的“目標”部分指定的一樣),則“備份后卸載磁帶”選項處于活動(dòng)狀態(tài)。
- To perform a normal backup, you need only the most recent copy of the backup file or tape to restore all the files. 若要執行正常備份,只需備份文件或磁帶的最新副本即可還原所有文件。
- To fully backup select Include APE in backup options. 這個(gè)完全備份選擇包括了APE這個(gè)備份選項。
- If you must recover a store, you must recover the store itself from the last normal backup, and then you can recover log files from an incremental or differential backup. 如果必須恢復存儲,必須先從上一次普通備份恢復存儲本身,然后才能從增量備份或差異備份恢復日志文件。
- Normal backups are frequently referred to as full backups, although a backup is only a full backup when you choose to back up all files. 正常備份通常也稱(chēng)為完整備份,盡管只有在選擇備份所有文件時(shí)所制作的備份才是完整備份。
- If you use a combination of normal and incremental backups, you must have the last normal backup set and also all incremental backup sets to restore your data. 如果使用正常備份和增量備份組合,必須具有上一個(gè)正常備份集和所有增量備份集才能還原數據。
- Backup Exec,Windows,Advanced Disk Backup Option,v10.0,E/F/G/J/S/I/C/K,Full Package Product 產(chǎn)品評測信息....產(chǎn)品制造商:維爾軟件北京代表處
- The computer has a normal qwerty keyboard. 這臺計算機有標準的英文鍵盤(pán)。
- The situation has returned to normal in the city. 這座城市的局勢已恢復正常。
- The normal return fare to New York is fifty-six. 去紐約的來(lái)回票標準價(jià)是56元。
- The option button is checked and normal. 選項按鈕已被選中并處于正常狀態(tài)。
- Everything is absolutely normal. 一切完全正常。
- This case is not amenable to the normal rules. 這件事經(jīng)不起常規的檢驗。
- The doctor said the child's temperature was normal. 醫生說(shuō)孩子體溫正常。
- A condition of normal body temperature. 正常體溫體溫正常的狀況
- Normal firmness of a tissue or an organ. 健康狀態(tài)某個(gè)組織或器官所具有的正常堅韌性
- Less than the normal ability to respond to stimuli. 敏感減輕對刺激反應能力低于正常水平
- The bus service have returned to normal after the strike. 罷工結束後公共汽車(chē)恢復了正常的運營(yíng)。
- Loss or removal of normal pigmentation. 褪色喪失或轉移正常的著(zhù)色