- It is to do three works that solving nonreciprocal problems of ethnic relation in china at present. 解決我國當前民族關(guān)系問(wèn)題中的非和諧因素應著(zhù)重做好三方面的工作。
- The boundary of ethnic group change hinge on ethnic relation change which are influenced by ethnic culture effort. 族群邊界的擴延與縮小,取決于族群文化張力大小所導致的族群關(guān)系的變動(dòng)。
- The roots of ethnic relation problem are not in perfect harmony of their interests, it is unbalance of their culture in substance. 民族利益或權益的非均衡和諧是民族關(guān)系問(wèn)題產(chǎn)生的根源,其實(shí)質(zhì)是包含民族利益或權益在內的民族文化失衡。
- The ethnic relation of socialism elementary phase has its incompleteness of nation equality,its relativity of nation comity,its limitedness of cooperation. 社會(huì )主義初級階段的民族關(guān)系具有民族平等的不完全性、民族團結的相對性、民族間互助合作的有限性等特點(diǎn)。
- Current status of Hohhot's ethnic relations and corresponding measures. 呼和浩特市民族關(guān)系面臨的形勢及其對策。
- ” Will there be new ethnic alliances? 將會(huì )有新的種族結合么?
- The Martial emperor of Han Dynasty had formed the system of ethnil relation thoughts in the process of carding the historical ethnic relations as well as sowing the realistic nationality questions. 摘要漢武帝在考慮歷史上的民族關(guān)系以及解決現實(shí)民族問(wèn)題過(guò)程中,形成了比較系統的民族關(guān)系思想。
- The book shows not only the socket API and agreements ethnic relations and hosts and routers to achieve the difference. 本書(shū)不僅說(shuō)明了插口A(yíng)PI和協(xié)議族的關(guān)系以及主機實(shí)現與路由器實(shí)現的差別。
- I got a new coat in that store last week. 上禮拜我在那家店買(mǎi)了一件新外套。
- The break-up of the Czechoslovak Republic in January 1993 brought fundamental changes for ethnic relations within national borders. 1993年1月捷克斯洛伐克共和國的分裂為其境內的族群關(guān)系帶來(lái)根本的改變;
- The new chairman will shake up the company. 新任董事長(cháng)將改組這家公司。
- Ethnic relations in eastern Europe were severely impacted by WWI, and further complicated by the arrangements out of the Versailles System. 內容提要一戰給東歐地區的民族關(guān)系以巨大的沖擊,而凡爾賽體系作出的戰后安排使該地區的民族關(guān)系進(jìn)一步復雜化。
- They all cooed over the new baby. 他們對著(zhù)新生嬰兒愛(ài)撫地輕聲細語(yǔ)。
- the history of ethnic relation in modern China 近代民族關(guān)系史
- She read me a few extracts from her own new novel. 她把她自己的新小說(shuō)念了幾段給我聽(tīng)。
- ethnic relation in Eastern Europe 東歐民族關(guān)系
- Hall proposes that a new ethnicity has been founded in the Great Britain.Minority people construct their identities in the historical culture and finally go to an imaginational return of identity. 通過(guò)對認同性概念的梳理,霍爾還結合英國社會(huì )中出現的種族主義,提出了新種族性的觀(guān)點(diǎn),并指出少數族裔的自我認同是歷史文化的認同,也是自我的一種想像性回歸。
- Looking at the 700 years development of Hui people in Yunnan, we find it was not only the history of ethnic relations, but also the history of economy and culture. 回顧云南回族700多年的發(fā)展歷程,我們可以說(shuō)云南回族的歷史是一部經(jīng)濟史、文化史,同時(shí)也是一部民族關(guān)系史。
- She is pounding out a new rune on the piano. 他正在鋼琴上彈奏一支新曲。
- That new barman at the club really turns me on. 俱樂(lè )部那位新來(lái)的酒吧男招待員真讓我有興趣。