- They awarded scholarships to needy students. 他們給貧苦學(xué)生獎學(xué)金。
- We decided to award scholarship to needy students. 我們決定把獎學(xué)金給貧困學(xué)生。
- Many needy students in the school have gotten student loan. 本校的大多數貧困生都領(lǐng)到了貸學(xué)金。
- Needy students who pass the means test will receive a subsidy for home-school travel during term time. 經(jīng)濟有困難的學(xué)生通過(guò)入息審查后,可獲發(fā)津貼,資助學(xué)年中往返居所和學(xué)校的交通費。
- And it's the high achievers,rather than the needy students,who are getting a good chunk of the money. 得到數目可觀(guān)折扣的不是貧困學(xué)生,而是成績(jì)較好的學(xué)生。
- In the 1998-99 academic year,$887 million in grants and $714 million in loans were provided to 32 806 needy students. 在一九九八至一九九九學(xué)年,共有32806名有需要的學(xué)生獲發(fā)助學(xué)金和貸款,數額分別為8.;87億元及7
- Needy students who passed the means test will receive a subsidy for home-school travel during term time. 經(jīng)濟有困難的學(xué)生通過(guò)入息審查后,可獲發(fā)津貼,資助學(xué)年中往返居所和學(xué)校的交通費。
- And it's the high achievers, rather than the needy students, who are getting a good chunk of the money. 得到數目可觀(guān)折扣的不是貧困學(xué)生,而是成績(jì)較好的學(xué)生。
- In the 1998-99 academic year, $887 million in grants and $714 million in loans were provided to 32 806 needy students. 在一九九八至一九九九學(xué)年,共有32806名有需要的學(xué)生獲發(fā)助學(xué)金和貸款,數額分別為8.;87億元及7
- Thanks to Tzu Chi's bursaries, needy students can stay in further education, and learn extracurricular skills. 因為慈濟的助學(xué)金,清寒學(xué)子不但得以繼續學(xué)業(yè),還能夠發(fā)展興趣。
- From 2004, AIA started scholarship program called the AIA Scholarship in GD,BJ, offers grant to needy students. 自2004年至今,友邦保險分別在廣東、北京等地高校設立助學(xué)金,資助貧困學(xué)生完成學(xué)業(yè)。
- State-subsidized educational loan package which aims to help needy students complete their college education, has achieved greatly. 摘要旨在幫助貧困大學(xué)生完成學(xué)業(yè)的國家助學(xué)貸款政策已經(jīng)取得了顯著(zhù)的成效,但是還存在一些問(wèn)題。
- It is common that the very needy students hold amour-propre vanity that must be harmful to their growth, their families and the society. 在高校特困生中一定程度上廣泛存在著(zhù)虛榮心理,這不僅直接影響了特困生的健康成長(cháng),而且會(huì )對家庭、社會(huì )造成很大的痛苦和危害。
- A financial assistance scheme for needy students to encourage them to continue with their education, and to motivate them to strive for greater achievements. 為家境欠佳的學(xué)生提供經(jīng)濟上的援助,以激勵他們繼續求學(xué),爭取更好的成績(jì)。
- The main objective of this event was to raise funds for NAFA's infrastructural development, staff upgrading programmes and financial assistance schemes for the needy students. 晚宴的主要目的是籌款以提升南藝的基礎設施,籌得款項也將用于員工技能培訓,并為貧困學(xué)生提供財務(wù)援助。
- Reflection on Establishing the Needy Students'Archives and "Green Passage" 建立高校貧困生檔案,建構"綠色通道"
- Needy students who pass the means test will receive a subsidy for home-school travel during term time at the rate of half of the average adult fare on public transport between students' residence and the location of their schools. 通過(guò)入息審查的學(xué)生,可在學(xué)期內獲得從居所至學(xué)校的公共交通工具往返費用津貼,款額是平均成人車(chē)船費用的一半。
- Needy students who pass the means test will receive a subsidy for home-school travel during term time at the rate of half of the average adult fare on public transport between students'residence and the location of their schools. 通過(guò)入息審查的學(xué)生,可在學(xué)期內獲得從居所至學(xué)校的公共交通工具往返費用津貼,款額是平均成人車(chē)船費用的一半。
- I also know of many teachers who take time to listen to their students'personal problems,who visit their students'home after school hours to better understand their family environment,and of some who even help needy students pay their way through school. 我也知道有許多教師常在百忙之中,撥出時(shí)間,細心聽(tīng)取他們的學(xué)生所遭遇的個(gè)人問(wèn)題;在放學(xué)后,不辭勞苦的到學(xué)生的家中造訪(fǎng),以便更加了解他們的家庭環(huán)境。更有一些教師甚至資助家境貧寒的學(xué)生完成他們的學(xué)業(yè)。