national product

  • 國民產(chǎn)值,社會(huì )產(chǎn)品

national product的用法和樣例:


  1. If the nation were willing to invest so large a proportion of its national product a substantial share would have gone to make up the housing deficit.
    如果這個(gè)國家當時(shí)就決心投入這么大的國民產(chǎn)值比例的話(huà),那末,可以想象得到將會(huì )有很大的份額用以解決住房不足。
  2. If the nation were willing to invest so large a proportion of its national product a substantial share would have gone to make up the housing deficit.
    如果這個(gè)國家當時(shí)就決心投入這么大的國民產(chǎn)值比例的話(huà),那末,可以想象得到將會(huì )有很大的份額用以解決住房不足。
  3. The output value of iron and steel makes up one quarter of the country's national income.
    鋼鐵制品創(chuàng )造的產(chǎn)值占據了國民收入的四分之一。
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