music videos

  • n. 音樂(lè )電視;音樂(lè )錄影帶

music videos的用法和樣例:


用作名詞 (n.)
  1. I want to know how to direct films and music videos.
    我想知道如何導演影片和音樂(lè )電視。
  2. She started her showbiz career as a dancer in stage musicals and in various music videos.
    演藝生涯初始,她在舞臺音樂(lè )劇和各類(lèi)音樂(lè )電視中擔任舞蹈演員。
  3. Hip hop singers like to go bling bling in their music videos to look fancy.
    在音樂(lè )錄影帶里,嘻哈歌手喜歡披掛一堆珠寶,讓自己看起來(lái)很花俏。
  4. The visual style of music videos have also affected different branches of the communications media.
    音樂(lè )錄影帶的可視性風(fēng)格也大大地影響了傳播媒體的不同領(lǐng)域。

music videos的相關(guān)資料:


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