- Data processing equipment available for use by the executive system of a computer. 可供計算機執行系統使用的數據處理設備。
- Ideology, organization situation and executive system can influence the executive ability of the political party. 執政黨的意識形態(tài)、組織狀況、執政體制等都會(huì )對一定政黨的執政能力發(fā)生影響。
- Secretary, alcalde takes an executive system, by bicycle, meet acquaintance to stop jockey, grasp handclasp, understanding understands a situation. 書(shū)記、鎮長(cháng)帶頭執行制度,騎自行車(chē),遇上熟人停停車(chē),握握手,了解了解情況。
- Recently,Rende explored the role of set shifting in verbal fluency,which is a subfunction of the central executive system. 采用雙任務(wù)范式,探討了中央執行系統的注意控制和短時(shí)存儲對言語(yǔ)流暢性的影響。
- The work of executive activity moralization requires systematic support, and the moral choice of executive system is the guarantee to executive activity moralization. 行政行為道德化建設需要制度的支撐,行政制度的道德選擇是行政行為道德化的保障。
- Understanding their differences and separations under certain historical conditions is the crux to comprehend the executive system of combining the distribution according to work with production factor in China. 認識兩者的區別和其在一定歷史條件下的分離是理解中國現階段實(shí)行按勞分配和按生產(chǎn)要素分配相結合的關(guān)鍵所在 ;
- "The system wants electrified " , afore-mentioned two induce again a such words that have demand interest, can serve as the cautionary word of the leader of executive system very much. “制度要帶電”,把上述兩句再歸納成這樣一句具有要求意味的話(huà),很可作為執行制度的領(lǐng)導者的警戒之言。
- Manufacturing execution systems (MES) software. 制造執行系統軟件。
- Manufacture Executive System (MES) is the tache of enterprise integration and the basic measure of to realize the strategy of Agility Manufacture and the manufacture of enterprise agility shop floor. 制造執行系統(MES)是企業(yè)制造信息化集成的紐帶,是實(shí)施企業(yè)敏捷制造戰略和實(shí)現企業(yè)敏捷車(chē)間生產(chǎn)的基本技術(shù)手段。
- Securities transactions on the SEHK are executed by the Automatic Order Matching and Execution System (AMS). 聯(lián)交所的證券交易經(jīng)自動(dòng)對盤(pán)及成交系統進(jìn)行。
- The principle of Manufacturing Execution System (MES) are illustrated focusing on cigarette enterprises. 本文闡述制造執行系統 (MES)的原理 ,并著(zhù)重就卷煙企業(yè)制造執行系統在信息化中的定位進(jìn)行了探討。
- Development environment for VC++ Database management system is mainly used for MES Manufacturing Execution System. 開(kāi)發(fā)環(huán)境為VC++的數據庫管理系統,主要是用于MES制造執行系統。
- TSES Time Sharing Executive System 時(shí)間分享執行系統
- The President of the US is the chief executive. 美國總統是最高行政長(cháng)官。
- Configuration file is set up to run in a cluster but the back-end scheduler has been set up as a single execution system. 配置文件被設為在群集上運行,而后端調度程序卻被設為在單點(diǎn)執行系統中運行的時(shí)候,就會(huì )出現上述錯誤。
- The organizing and executive system of the project 項目的組織執行系統
- real-time multitasking executive 實(shí)時(shí)多任務(wù)執行程序
- The redress execution system in Taiwan include review on ways of redress execution and the holistic consideration on the system of execution. 我國臺灣地區的執行救濟制度包括對執行救濟各種具體方式的考察和對執行救濟體系的整體思考。
- Confronted with dilemma in multitask simultaneity. 常在同時(shí)面臨多項工作任務(wù)時(shí)難以取舍。
- To support implementing Concurrent Engineering (CE) more effectively, a framework of CE-oriented Manufacturing Execution System (MES) was designed. 為了使車(chē)間制造執行系統更加有效地支持并行工程,在分析傳統車(chē)間制造執行系統的基礎上,提出了面向并行工程的制造執行系統總體框架。