- The recovery of associated gdd and silver ores has been a subject of ore dressing workers in various countries. 伴生金銀回收一直是各國選礦工作者研究的課題。
- It is easy segregativing of quartz and sericite that it is approved by ore dressing. 選礦試驗表明:石英、絹云母礦物極易分離;
- After improving the process, the ore dressing recovery percentage is improved notablely, and yielded notable results. 生產(chǎn)實(shí)踐表明,改造后的工藝流程技術(shù)可行,選別指標大幅度提高,經(jīng)濟效益顯著(zhù)。
- In this paper an ore dressing technology is proposed to separate the slag into two (burnable and unburnable) products. 本文應用選礦工藝將該種廢渣分離成為可燃和不可燃兩種物質(zhì)。
- To control tailings to run off, raise the recovery of silver, We emphatic research the recovery of ore dressing product of all grain level. 為了控制尾礦流失,提高銀的選礦回收率,結合生產(chǎn)實(shí)際,重點(diǎn)研究了選礦產(chǎn)品各粒級的回收情況。
- This series of ball mill is widely suitable for ore dressing, chemical, coal, cement and refractory sectors to operate fine grinding. 系列球磨機廣泛用于選礦、化工、煤、水泥、耐火材料等部門(mén)作研磨物料。
- Ore dressing refers to the concentration of a raw ore. Dressing can separate the desired mineral from much of the associated gangue. 選礦就是精選生礦。通過(guò)選礦,有用礦物從伴隨的脈石中分離出來(lái)。
- To control tailings to run off , raise the recovery of silver, We emphatic research the recovery of ore dressing product of all grain level. 為了控制尾礦流失,提高銀的選礦回收率,結合生產(chǎn)實(shí)際,重點(diǎn)研究了選礦產(chǎn)品各粒級的回收情況。
- Ore dressing Bayer process is a typical chemical metallurgical process for producing alumina. It involves manifold of danger and harmful factors. 選礦拜耳法生產(chǎn)氧化鋁是典型的冶金化工過(guò)程,涉及到了多種危險有害因素。
- The grade of playgorskite may be raised from 30.9% to 84.5% when sodium silicate solution is add in the course of ore dressing. 采用加入適量硅酸鈉溶液的提純流程 ;坡縷石礦石品位從30 .;9%25提高到 84
- The result of ore dressing experiment focused on antimony shows that the main recovered mineral is antimonite, with recoverable of gold. 以銻為主的選礦試驗結果表明,主要回收對象為輝銻礦,并可綜合回收金。
- On the basic of this research, a reasonable design processing flowsheet has been made and good ore dressing indicia has been achieved. 在該研究的基礎上,選礦工藝研究制定了合理的工藝流程,取得了良好的選礦指標。
- The reasonable solution of the floatation order, the sulphuration of mineral oxide and the bad influence of slime result in a better ore dressing. 由于合理地解決了浮選順序、氧化礦的硫化及礦泥的不良影響,分選效果較好。
- Scientists of ore dressing have been taking all the efforts to search for collectors with fine properties for the flotation of molybdenite. 多年來(lái),選礦學(xué)家們不遺余力地在優(yōu)選性能優(yōu)異的輝鉬礦浮選捕收劑。
- The Appellate Case of Technical Secrets Infringement Disputes Between Luoding City Forest Products Chemical Plant and Liu Xianchi, and Zhuzhou Ore Dressing Pharmaceutical Plant. 羅定市林產(chǎn)化工廠(chǎng)、劉顯馳與株洲選礦藥劑廠(chǎng)技術(shù)秘密侵權糾紛上訴案。
- Suitable for dewatering, medium drainaging, spraying, dry and wet classifying in coal, metallurgical ore dressing, power, light sugar making and salt making industries. 本系列篩適用于煤炭、冶金選礦、電力、輕工、制糖、制鹽對物料的脫水,脫介、脫泥和干濕式分級,具有處理能力大和篩分效率高等優(yōu)點(diǎn)。
- After the technological transformation,the ore processing flowsheet and equipment was improved,and the equipment operation rate and ore dressing recovery rate was enhanced. 通過(guò)技術(shù)改造使選礦工藝流程及設備日趨完善,提高了設備運轉率和選礦回收率。
- The wooden plates of different forms and the chutes for ore dressing unearthed among the ruins of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties (21th century B.C.-221 B. 江西銅嶺、湖北銅綠山等礦冶遺址出土的商周選礦遺物,其年代久遠,保存完整,為國內外罕見(jiàn)。
- Germany uses China's rich alloy ore resources and its technology to develop joint research projects such as ore deposit exploration, ore dressing, metal melting and metal material recovery, yielding good results. 德國利用中國豐富的合金礦產(chǎn)資源,結合其技術(shù),同中國開(kāi)展礦床勘探、選礦、金屬冶煉和金屬材料回收等項目的合作研究,取得了很好的效益。
- Suitable tor dewatering, medium drainaging and spraying in coal preparation and ore dressing, widely used for medium and fine material wet and dry classifying in mine, power, sugar making and salt making industries. 可用于選煤、礦,對煤和礦石,非金屬物料進(jìn)行脫水、介和脫泥,廣泛用于礦山、電、糖、鹽,對中細粒度物料進(jìn)行干濕式分級。