- Thus, the seasonal factor at See's becomes even more extreme. 使得季節因素對喜斯糖果來(lái)說(shuō)越來(lái)越重要,
- This is the seasonal factor because it occurs every year around the same time. 這是季節因素,因為它在每年的同一時(shí)間發(fā)生。
- Methods:118 pregnant with PIH were analyzed about age,gravidity,parity,job,education,as well as seasonal factor and perinatal situation. 方法:對118例妊高征孕婦的年齡、孕產(chǎn)次、孕周、職業(yè)、文化程度及發(fā)病季節和圍產(chǎn)兒情況進(jìn)行分析。
- First, seasonal factors, and second the end of the product life cycle. 首先是季節性因素,其次是產(chǎn)品生命周期結束。
- "The other strong possibility is that mother-infant interactions are affected by seasonal factors. "另一種較大的可能是,母嬰的交流受到季節因素的影響。
- During the process of studing much random selected real environmental WLAN traffic, the multiplicative seasonal property of WLAN traffic has been discovered. 摘要在對隨機選取的實(shí)際環(huán)境中的多組無(wú)線(xiàn)局域網(wǎng)業(yè)務(wù)量數據的研究過(guò)程中,發(fā)現無(wú)線(xiàn)局域網(wǎng)業(yè)務(wù)量具有明顯的多重季節性。
- The decrease in total card receivables reflected seasonal factors, including the receding effect of the payment of salary taxes by credit card. 信用卡應收帳款總額減少,是由季節因素造成,其中包括以信用卡繳付薪俸稅的影響減退。
- The reason for this is that due to seasonal factors earnings in the year's third quarter are not as strong as in the others. 分析其中的主要原因,可以看出由于季節的原因,第三季度的贏(yíng)利水平低于其它季度,導致了整個(gè)利潤率的下降。
- Analysis: Raw milk price fell from recent high $3 per kg to $2.7 per kg level as its supply increases due to seasonal factors. 受惠于原奶供應季節性增加,原奶價(jià)格已由高峰期的每公斤3元以上水平下降到2.;7元水平。相信原奶價(jià)格的回落可大大降低集團成本壓力。
- Home-price declines have shown glimmers of slowing in some parts of the nation, but they might have been distorted by seasonal factors. 美國有些地方的房?jì)r(jià)跌速已經(jīng)出現了減緩跡象,不過(guò)季節性因素可能造成某些數據失真。
- From various sources, Q4 of this year are subject to the usual seasonal factors, they generally slowed WACKER at that stage of business development. 從各方面來(lái)看,第4季度在今年也受通常的季節因素的影響,它們一般都減緩了瓦克在這一階段的業(yè)務(wù)發(fā)展。
- Seasonal factors, such as the rainy season, along with population movements in the area contribute to this unusually high incidence of cholera. 雨季等季節性因素以及該地區的人口流動(dòng)造成這一極不尋常的霍亂高發(fā)病率。
- Quarterly GDP numbers are swayed by seasonal factors (agriculture is still a biggish part of the economy) and by the activities of a handful of big foreign-owned firms. 每一季度的GDP數據因季節性因素(農業(yè)仍是經(jīng)濟的最大組成部分)和少數大型外企的活動(dòng)而發(fā)生波動(dòng)。
- The marine passenger transportation market (passenger liners) in Taiwan is very difficult to operate and strongly affected by seasonal factors and competitive vehicle selection. 摘要:臺灣地區海運客輪市場(chǎng)營(yíng)運情勢,受季節性與競爭運具的影響,市場(chǎng)經(jīng)營(yíng)困難。
- Seasonal factors must be carefully considered. Supplies that are adequate in the rainy season may dry up at other times. Local knowledge will be essential. 季節性因素應慎重考慮。在雨季時(shí)很充足的水源可能在其他時(shí)期枯竭。對當地情形的了解是至關(guān)重要的。
- That's a factor which we must not neglect. 這是我們不應忽視的一個(gè)因素。
- My son began to study multiplication when he was six. 我兒子六歲的時(shí)候開(kāi)始學(xué)習乘法。
- I factor ed my uncle's estate for three years. 我代管我叔父的財產(chǎn)已有三年了。
- The area is subject to devastating seasonal winds. 這個(gè)地區常遭破壞性季風(fēng)的襲擊。
- The multiplication of students has made our school too small. 學(xué)生的增加使學(xué)校顯得擁擠。