
[ma?θ]     [ma?θ]    
  • n. 嘴;口;開(kāi)口;河口
  • v. 不出聲說(shuō);裝腔作勢地說(shuō);喃喃地說(shuō)
mouths mouthed mouthed mouthing mouths



n. (名詞)
  1. 口,嘴,口狀物
  2. 河口
  3. 口腔
  4. 動(dòng)物
  5. 需要供養的人
  6. 開(kāi)口
  7. 出入口
  8. 孔,穴
  9. 食客
  10. 槍口
  11. 港口
  12. 噴火口
  13. 袋口
  14. 吹口
  15. 咧嘴
v. (動(dòng)詞)
  1. 用演說(shuō)腔調講,用演說(shuō)的口吻講
  2. 附和著(zhù)說(shuō)
  3. 含糊地說(shuō),喃喃地說(shuō)
  4. 歪嘴
  5. 大聲講,大聲地講述,高聲地說(shuō)話(huà),大聲地抱怨
  6. 叫罵,怒罵
  7. 裝腔作勢地講(說(shuō)),做作地說(shuō)
  8. 用口銜
  9. 放進(jìn)嘴里嚼
  10. 注入
  11. 不出聲地說(shuō),以嘴唇的動(dòng)作不出聲地講,做出說(shuō)…的動(dòng)作(但不出聲)
  12. 言不由衷地重復,言不由衷地說(shuō)
  13. 夸大地說(shuō)話(huà),夸張地講話(huà)
  14. 說(shuō)出
  15. 心不在焉地說(shuō)
  16. 用嘴接觸,吻
  17. 使(馬)習慣于戴馬嚼子
  18. 傲慢地說(shuō)
  19. 嘟嘴扮鬼臉


n. (名詞)
  1. [C]口,嘴巴 the opening on the face through which a person or animal can take food into the body, and speak to make sounds
  2. [U]空話(huà),無(wú)聊的話(huà); 無(wú)禮的話(huà) meaningless; impudent talk
  3. [C]人,講話(huà)的人 person, speaker
v. (動(dòng)詞)
  1. vt. & vi. (嘴)作出說(shuō)〔唱〕…的動(dòng)作 (但不出聲) move one's lips as if saying (words) but without making any sound
  2. vt. & vi. 喃喃地說(shuō),心不在焉地說(shuō),言不由衷地說(shuō) say especially repeatedly and without understanding or sincerity


  1. the opening through which food is taken in and vocalizations emerge;

    "he stuffed his mouth with candy"

  2. the externally visible part of the oral cavity on the face and the system of organs surrounding the opening;

    "she wiped lipstick from her mouth"

  3. an opening that resembles a mouth (as of a cave or a gorge);

    "he rode into the mouth of the canyon"
    "they built a fire at the mouth of the cave"

  4. the point where a stream issues into a larger body of water;

    "New York is at the mouth of the Hudson"

  5. a person conceived as a consumer of food;

    "he has four mouths to feed"

  6. a spokesperson (as a lawyer)

  7. an impudent or insolent rejoinder;

    "don't give me any of your sass"

  8. the opening of a jar or bottle;

    "the jar had a wide mouth"

  1. express in speech;

    "She talks a lot of nonsense"
    "This depressed patient does not verbalize"

  2. articulate silently; form words with the lips only;

    "She mouthed a swear word"

  3. touch with the mouth



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. Her mouth is her best feature.
  2. The dying animal was found foaming at the mouth.
  3. Seeing that we are confused about her attitude, she had to give mouth to her doubts.
  4. The sand has silted up the mouth of the river.
用作動(dòng)詞 (v.)
  1. The nurse mouthed the word "quiet".
  2. I dislike lecturers who mouth their speeches.
  3. He crept into the corner, mouthing curses.


用作名詞 (n.)
all mouth
    光說(shuō)不干 say sth but do not have the courage to actually do
big mouth
    嘴不嚴,多嘴 talk too much
by word of mouth
    口頭通知 inform sb by mouth
give mouth
    說(shuō)出口 start to say sth
keep one's mouth shut
    保持沉默,一聲不吭 reveal a secret, especially of dishonest or criminal activity
用作動(dòng)詞 (v.)
mouth down (v.+adv.)
    吃下 eat down
    mouth sth ? down

    He mouthed down a square of cheese.


mouth off (v.+adv.)
    大發(fā)議論,自夸地說(shuō) speak strongly or as if one knew more than anyone else
    mouth off

    He was mouthing off about the high price of fish.



用作名詞 (n.)
動(dòng)詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞
用作動(dòng)詞 (v.)


  • The cavity of the mouth forms the commencement of the alimentary canal.

    出自:Encyclopedia Britannica
  • Sammy had his mouth full of..steak sandwich.

    出自: B. Schulberg
  • Who Taught you to mouth that name of 'villain'?

    出自: Byron
  • The pompous high-placed imbecile mouthing his platitudes.

    出自: A. Birrell
  • Your flat clear voice beside me Mouthed cheerful clear flat platitudes.

    出自: R. Brooke
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