- It is most urgent that we operate. 咱們得馬上動(dòng)手術(shù).
- Say what you think is most urgent. 揀要緊的說(shuō)。
- To deepen reform is the most urgent task. 我們當務(wù)之爭是要深化改革。
- Shoring up demand is the most urgent task. 提振需求乃是最緊迫的任務(wù)。
- All the most urgent matters have now been attended to. 最緊急的事情現在都處理好了。
- The manager put stress on solving the most urgent problem. 經(jīng)理將重點(diǎn)放在解決最緊急的問(wèn)題上。
- Destroyers were our most urgent need, and also our worst feature. 驅逐艦是我們最迫切需要的艦只,也是我們最弱的一個(gè)環(huán)節。
- The most urgent issue is the question of unemployment. 政府最急迫的問(wèn)題是失業(yè)問(wèn)題。
- I've been trying to puzzled out which piece of work is most urgent. 我一直想弄清楚哪一件工作最緊迫。
- It is most urgent that the patient should get to hospital. 那病人應該馬上送醫院。
- To detect the pesticide residues become the most urgent affair. 因此對無(wú)公害蔬菜的農藥檢測成為當務(wù)之急。
- The most urgent need for the unsaved is to be born again. 對未得救的人來(lái)說(shuō),最迫切的需要是能夠重生;
- The most urgent thing to do right now is to break through the encirclement. 眼下最要緊的是突圍。
- How to raise the peasant's income is the most urgent problem for the present. 如何提高農民的收入是當前最迫切的問(wèn)題。
- This makes it all the more urgent to enlarge our local Red forces. 我們紅色地方武裝的擴大,更是刻不容緩。
- The lack of medical supplies in the country is our most urgent concern. 農村地區的缺醫少藥是我們目前最擔憂(yōu)的。
- Disagreement begins with the question of which problems are most urgent. 哪個(gè)問(wèn)題最迫切?在這個(gè)問(wèn)題上人們開(kāi)始產(chǎn)生不同意見(jiàn)。
- I suggest that you attend to the most urgent matters and let the rest wait. 我建議你先去處理最緊急的事情,別的事可以等一等。
- AK should have used this mandate to tackle Turkey's most urgent problems. 正義與發(fā)展黨應該利用這一授權處理土耳其最緊迫的問(wèn)題。
- This rescue team always comes to people's help at the most urgent times. 這支救護隊總是在最危難的時(shí)候急難而進(jìn)。