We should reorient the recitation in English teaching and take it as one of the essential methods and connect it with the modern ones in practice. 應該給背誦以重新定位,把背誦作為改革我國大學(xué)英語(yǔ)教學(xué)的一種基本方法,在實(shí)踐中注意把傳統的背誦方法與現代教學(xué)方法相結合。
A new tactful teaching system based on modern teaching theory should be built to achieve teaching innovation and improve the students' overall quality. 應按照現代教學(xué)理論構建新的教學(xué)策略體系,實(shí)現國民經(jīng)濟學(xué)課程教學(xué)模式的創(chuàng )新,以提高大學(xué)生的綜合素質(zhì)。