- External use of Huoxuebadu Tincture for treating mild degree burn 活血拔毒酊早期外敷治療輕度燒傷療效觀(guān)察
- mild degree burn 輕度燒傷
- He was admitted to hospital with minor burns. 他因輕度燒傷而入院。
- There is usually a mild degree of foot process effacement or fusion. 沉積物處的足突融合消失。
- Treat a first-degree burn as a minor burn unless it involves substantial portions of the hands, feet, face, groin or buttocks, or a major joint. 除非是手、足、臉、腹股溝或臀部的主要部位燒傷,或者主要關(guān)節處燒傷,可以把一級燒傷當成輕微燒傷對待。
- The raw surface of first degree burn will be whitened when it is squeezed. 問(wèn)題:當受到擠壓時(shí),一度燒傷的創(chuàng )面會(huì )變白(英文意思)
- Nathan was treated for minor burns and a gash on his wrist. 內森有輕度燒傷,手腕上有一個(gè)傷口。
- Mild Autism. The child shows only a few symptoms orr only a mild degree of autism. 輕度自閉癥:孩子只表現出少數幾個(gè)癥狀,或者只表現出輕度自閉。
- Neonatal studies only revealed subyaleal hematoma and subarachnoid hemorrhage with mild degree right side intraventricular hemorrhage. 當時(shí)的頭部電腦斷層也顯示有腱膜下血腫,蜘蛛膜下腔血腫,并右側腦室內出血。
- These included two reports of minor burns and reports of minor property damage. 這兩個(gè)報告輕微燒傷,輕微財產(chǎn)損失。
- Two farmers with 2(superscript nd) degree burn, 3% and 2 % TBSA, respectively in the perineal areas due to accidental contacting with paraquat were reported. 兩位因不慎造成會(huì )陰部長(cháng)時(shí)問(wèn)與巴拉刈接觸的農夫至本院就診,兩人各身受全身體表面積百分之二及百分之三深及真皮層的深二度灼傷。
- This soothing, cooling Aloe Vera Clear Gel provides effective relief from sunburns, skin irritations, and minor burns. 這舒緩,清除冷卻蘆薈凝膠提供有效的救濟,從灼傷,皮膚過(guò)敏,和輕微燒傷。
- This course is about everyday first aid: cuts and scrapes, minor burns and scalds. 這當然是日常急救:削減和擦傷,輕微燒燙傷。
- Non-Oily Moisturizer provides effective relief from Sunburn, Minor Burns, Skin Irritations, Insect Bites, Chafing, Itching, Dry Skin. 非油性潤膚品提供有效的救濟灼傷,輕微燒傷,皮膚過(guò)敏,昆蟲(chóng)叮咬,皮膚發(fā)炎發(fā)癢,皮膚干燥。
- Conclusions:Mild degrees of incontinence may be managed with Kegel exercises, biofeedback and functional electrical stimulation,pharmacotherapy.More severe leakage is... 結論:對輕度或不完全性尿失禁(1,2度)采用盆底肌鍛煉、生物反饋和電刺激、藥物治療等非手術(shù)綜合治療效果好,對重度或完全性尿失禁(3度)則需手術(shù)治療。
- Deep third degree burn of abdominal wall 腹壁深三度燒傷
- Mild degree of lowering of consciousness 意識模糊
- Deep third degree burn of male genitalia 男性生殖器深三度燒傷
- Third degree burn of abdominal wall 腹壁三度燒傷
- Soothes, cools, &temporarily relieves pain, itch, &symptoms of chapping, peeling, or scaling, from sun &windburn &minor burns, cuts, scrapes, abrasions, cracked lips, &skin irritations. 舒緩,清涼解除日曬,風(fēng)吹引起來(lái)的皸裂,脫皮和小灼傷,切傷,擦傷,磨損,唇裂和皮炎引起的疼痛,瘙癢等癥狀。