Criteria for selection is minimum flow, normal flow, maximum flow and pressure drop across the valve. 選型標準是最小流量,正常流量,最大流量和通過(guò)閥門(mén)的壓降。
The amount of water used by the community is therefore the figure used by the civil engineer when he is designing the sewage system for its minimum rate of flow. 因此,土木工程師設計污水系統時(shí)所用的最小流量就是居民區的用水量。
This usually occurs with minor operations such as inguinal hernia repairs and can be avoided by keeping fluids to a minimum. 這種情況通常發(fā)生于很小的手術(shù)如腹股溝斜疝修補術(shù),維持液體至最低量即可避免。
Since some kinds of operational materials are in short supply in this country, we ask you to indicate the minimum quantities of the materials required for testing. 由于國內有些材料短缺,我們請求貴方指明試驗所需材料的最低量。
Consolidate everything to the bare minimum. 把一切鞏固到最低限度的最小量。
And when I did, I tried to keep it to a minimum. 吃的時(shí)候,我也要保持在最小量。