- We built the plant at top speed and minimum cost. 我們以最低的投資,最高的速度修建了該工廠(chǎng)。
- Their strategy is designed to achieve its ends at a minimum cost. 他們的戰略思想是以最小的代價(jià)來(lái)達到他們的目的。
- Seeks the maximum volume of sales with the minimum cost. 努力以最低的成本獲取最大的銷(xiāo)量。
- If you wish, we could arrange travel insurance for you at a minimum cost. 若您希望的話(huà),我們愿意以最低的費用為您安排旅行保險。
- Before this once many developers indicated that receives takes the cost restriction, Beijing house price adjusts prices the space to be limited. 此前曾有多位開(kāi)發(fā)商表示,受到拿地成本限制,北京房?jì)r(jià)的調價(jià)空間有限。
- Change minimum cost to manage back to default value 15000 or an appropriate value in your environment. 將要管理的最低成本改回默認值15000或您的環(huán)境中的適當值。
- These models can help designers simulate any system that uses the component, at minimum cost. 這些模型可幫助設計人員以最小的成本模仿使用組件的任何系統。
- Excellent salt removal at minimum cost and effectively aids dehydration of crude. 能有效地去除原油中的鹽分和水分。
- If you try to buy cheap things and satisfy yourself with the minimum cost to live, then you have no worries about debt. 如果你盡量買(mǎi)便宜的東西,而且用最小的花費來(lái)滿(mǎn)足自己的生活,那你就不用擔心負債。
- Insure resolution of day-to-day problems related to project execution at the minimum cost to the GTS division. 對項目成本進(jìn)行控制,確保以最少的成本完成項目;
- The traditional EOQ model only considers the minimum cost problem of the inventory from the point of the buyer. 經(jīng)典的經(jīng)濟訂貨模型(EOQ)僅僅從買(mǎi)方的角度來(lái)考慮訂貨過(guò)程中的成本最小化問(wèn)題。
- Remote method invocations exhibit highlatency: there is a fixed minimum cost, regardless of whether the invoked method does any work. 遠程方法調用具有很長(cháng)的延遲:不管被調用的方法是否成功,都有一個(gè)固定的最小開(kāi)銷(xiāo)。
- What counts at Matsushita, they learn, is knowing the customer and getting marketable products to the point of sale at minimum cost. 他們知道,松下公司關(guān)心的是了解顧客,并且把有銷(xiāo)路的產(chǎn)品以最低的費用賣(mài)到銷(xiāo)售點(diǎn)。
- Based on spanning tree algorithm that is suitable to data fusion, the principle and features of Minimum Cost Spanning Tree (MCST) is analyzed. 在適合數據融合的生成樹(shù)算法的基礎上,分析能夠有效延長(cháng)網(wǎng)絡(luò )生命的最小代價(jià)生成樹(shù)路由協(xié)議的原理和特點(diǎn)。
- Let G be a digraph.The two-objective optimal path problem is to find a path which has the maximum weight and minimum cost in G. 雙目標最優(yōu)路問(wèn)題是指在一個(gè)圖中找這樣的路,使其權最大,費用最少。
- JRA uses a novel K-Paths-Pairs (KPP) routing to select the minimum cost primary and SRLG-disjoint backup paths pair for each connection request. 該算法使用一種新的K對路由來(lái)選擇最小代價(jià)的工作路由和風(fēng)險分離的保護路由對。
- This service has been designed for customers who need to inspect and assess geometric accuracy of their machines, at a minimum cost. 這項服務(wù)旨在為客戶(hù)誰(shuí)需要檢查和評估的幾何精度他們的機器,在最低的成本。
- Optimal efficacy, swiftest recovery, tiniest distress, least dangerous, and minimum cost become concrete criterion of evaluating optimal efficacy. 療效最好、康復最快、痛苦最小、危險最少、費用最低,應是最佳療效的具體標準。
- Concept and implement of graph, basic operations of graph, minimum cost spanning tree, shortest path problem, AOV and AOE network. 圖的概念和實(shí)現;圖的基本操作;最小價(jià)值生成樹(shù);最短路徑;活動(dòng)網(wǎng)絡(luò )。
- Accountant should aim to provide the right information to the right people in the right quantity at right time, and at minimum cost. 會(huì )計的目的是以最低的成本,在正確的時(shí)間,對正確的人提供恰當數量的正確信息。