- This characteristic basically determines our military strategy and tactics as well as our political strategy and tactics. 這個(gè)特點(diǎn),不但基本地規定了我們政治上的戰略和戰術(shù),而且也基本地規定了我們軍事上的戰略和戰術(shù)。
- It did not then understand the supreme importance of armed struggle in China,or seriously prepare for war and organize armed forces,or apply itself to the study of military strategy and tactics. 那時(shí)不懂得武裝斗爭在中國的極端的重要性,不去認真地準備戰爭和組織軍隊,不去注重軍事的戰略和戰術(shù)的研究。
- Next about strategy and tactics. 其次,戰略戰術(shù)問(wèn)題。
- We should adopt flexible strategy and tactics in a war. 在戰爭中應運用靈活機動(dòng)的戰略戰術(shù)。
- The methods are the strategy and tactics for directing war. 這方法,就是指導戰爭的戰略戰術(shù)。
- We base our strategy and tactics on the conditions of our team. 我們的戰略戰術(shù)根據自己球隊情況而定。
- Origin of leadership Train leading characters Contingency leading in accordance with situation Leading skills in Sunzi military strategy and tactics 領(lǐng)導力的來(lái)源建立領(lǐng)導的特質(zhì)因情境而異的權變領(lǐng)導孫子兵法的領(lǐng)導智慧
- High ranking officers have their strategy and tactics. 高級軍官有他們的戰略戰術(shù)。
- On the base of it, I will make feasible strategy and tactics. 在此基礎上,我要做出切實(shí)可行的戰略戰術(shù)。
- As long as I adopt the right strategy and tactics, rather, we hit. 只要我采取正確的戰略和戰術(shù),我們反而能夠脫穎而出。
- One is its chronic weakness in diplomatic strategy and tactics. 其一,其在外交戰略和戰術(shù)上的長(cháng)期弱點(diǎn)。
- Defense and offence strategies and tactics. 防守和進(jìn)攻的戰略戰術(shù)。
- Hence our study of military theory,of strategy and tactics and of army political work brooks not a moment's delay. 因此,研究軍事的理論,研究戰略和戰術(shù),研究軍隊政治工作,不可或緩。
- Current and future military leaders will have here the opportunity -- so necessary in military life -- to pause and reflect on major issues of strategy and tactics. 現在和未來(lái)軍隊的領(lǐng)導人將有機會(huì )在這里脫產(chǎn)學(xué)習,認真思考戰略和戰術(shù)方面的重大問(wèn)題。這對他們的軍事生涯是十分重要的。
- Hence our study of military theory, of strategy and tactics and of army political work brooks not a moment's delay. 因此,研究軍事的理論,研究戰略和戰術(shù),研究軍隊政治工作,不可或緩。
- Weigley, Russell F. The American Way of War: A History of United States Military Strategy and Policy. 羅素六,美國的戰爭:歷史上,美國的軍事戰略和政策。
- From this sharp contrast have arisen the strategy and tactics of the Red Army. 紅軍的戰略戰術(shù),是在這種尖銳的對比上發(fā)生的。
- ROBERT R.LEONHARD, USA Ret., has published many articles and several books on military strategy and land warfare. R.;里恩哈德,美軍退役中校,發(fā)表過(guò)許多關(guān)于軍事戰略和陸戰的文章和若干本書(shū)。
- This effort examined the possible impact and implications of DCI on Bulgaria's military strategy and modernization plans. 這項審查工作可能帶來(lái)的沖擊和影響dci保加利亞的軍事戰略和現代化計劃.
- LT. COL. ROBERT R. LEONHARD, USA Ret., has published many articles and several books on military strategy and land warfare. 羅伯特.;R