- Scientific research in the military field should also be brought under a plan. 軍事方面的科學(xué)研究也要納入規劃。
- Cox and others, however, intentionally over-emphasize the use of computers in the military field. 但考克斯等人有意過(guò)份強調計算機在軍事方面的用途。
- Cox and others,however,intentionally over-emphasize the use of computers in the military field. 但考克斯等人有意過(guò)份強調計算機在軍事方面的用途。
- A profound reform in the military field led by the development of high-tech weapons is taking place throughout the world. 一場(chǎng)以發(fā)展高技術(shù)武器為先導的軍事領(lǐng)域的深刻變革正在世界范圍內興起。
- It is an important research task in military field to evaluate antimissile ability of ballistic missile defense (BMD). 摘要如何準確評估導彈防御系統的反導防御能力是軍事領(lǐng)域研究中的一個(gè)重點(diǎn)問(wèn)題。
- In this paper, some applications in military field are enumerated, and some questions of design are brought up. 列舉了復合材料在軍事領(lǐng)域的一些應用,并指出軍用復合材料設計中的一些問(wèn)題。
- It is an instancy task to develop General Medicine and train professionals of General Medicine for the military field. 開(kāi)展全科醫學(xué)教育,培養全科醫學(xué)專(zhuān)業(yè)人才是軍隊基層衛生服務(wù)工作的一項迫切任務(wù)。
- Rapid and drastic changes are taking place in the military field around the world, and a new serious disequilibrium has occurred in the balance of military power. 世界軍事變革迅猛發(fā)展,軍事力量對比出現新的嚴重失衡。
- As the rapid development of LASER technology in military field, Electro-Optic Warfare (EOW)has became the important one among modern war. 隨著(zhù)激光技術(shù)在軍事領(lǐng)域內的飛速發(fā)展,光電對抗成為現代戰爭中的重要一員。
- COTS (commercial off-the shelf) applied in the military field will impact the support mode of traditional military software. 摘要商用貨架產(chǎn)品在軍事領(lǐng)域的應用趨勢將給傳統軍用軟件的保障模式帶來(lái)沖擊。
- In the military field,there were the conflicts in armed forces of Qing government and factional conflicts in Taiping army . 在軍事方面,這里既有清政府的綠營(yíng)兵、淮軍,還有團練,在太平軍中,也存在著(zhù)不同的派系,犬牙交錯,互相爭斗。
- This paper attempts to analyze the cross-layer capacity from the DSL systems of military field phone line under DMT(Discrete Multi-Tone) . 分析了軍用被覆線(xiàn)的DSL系統在DMT(離散多音頻調制)下的跨層容量。
- Rapid and drastic changes are taking place in the military field around the world,and a new serious disequilibrium has occurred in the balance of military power. 世界軍事變革迅猛發(fā)展,軍事力量對比出現新的嚴重失衡。
- The hazards of static electricity to explosive materials,armament and individual were studied and the fatalness of human body static electricity in military field was analyzed. 從靜電對易燃易爆品、武器裝備及人員自身的危害等3個(gè)方面出發(fā),分析了軍事領(lǐng)域中人體靜電的危險性。
- The four-anti-technology (antijamming,anti-stealth, anti-RAM, anti-low-altitude-attack) in military field is tied up with thecharacter of radar background clutter. 軍事領(lǐng)域中的四抗技術(shù)(抗干擾、抗RAM、抗隱身、抗低空突防)的實(shí)現都與環(huán)境雜波特性有著(zhù)密切聯(lián)系。
- The field artillery pounded away at the for tress. 野戰炮兵連續炮擊那座要塞。
- In response to the profound changes in the world's military field and the requirements of the national development strategy, China has formulated a military strategic guideline of active defense in the new period. 為適應世界軍事領(lǐng)域的深刻變革和國家發(fā)展戰略的要求,中國制定了新時(shí)期積極防御的軍事戰略方針。
- For the attainment of victory,policies radically different from the present ones are necessary in both the political and the military fields. 要勝利必須政治上軍事上都采取和現時(shí)大有區別的政策。
- Our People's Liberation Army practises democracy in the three major fields,namely,political,economic and military fields. 我們的人民解放軍實(shí)行三大民主,即政治民主、經(jīng)濟民主、軍事民主。
- The band played a military march. 樂(lè )隊吹奏軍隊進(jìn)行曲。