- Discussion on Mechanize Road Maintenance of Huning Expressway 談滬寧高速公路路面的機械化養護
- The road maintenance workers have shown a like heroism. 養路工人也表現出了同樣的英雄氣概。
- Highways Department has hundreds of professional and technical staff directly involved in road maintenance. 路政署有數百位專(zhuān)業(yè)及技術(shù)職員直接參與道路的保養工作。
- The Cpms system plays an important role in the application of the road maintenance. CPMS系統在公路養護管理中的實(shí)際應用具有實(shí)際意義。
- Emulsion slurry paver is a kind of road surface treatment method used in road maintenance in our country recently. 稀漿封層是近幾年在國內道路施工中,推廣的一種用于道路預防性養護的表面處治方法。
- SHANTUI GRUEN Road Maintenance Machinery Co., Ltd is a professional manufacturer of road maintenance machinery. 山推格林路面養護機械有限公司是路面養護機械專(zhuān)業(yè)制造商。
- Downstairs, the maintenance workers are opening the road maintenance plug into pipelines. 樓下,維修工人正挖開(kāi)路面維修堵塞的下水管道。
- Asphalt on irrigation and other small construction equipment for road maintenance! 瀝青灌逢機等小型路面養護施工設備!
- The transportation administration departments are urging for levies on the cost of road maintenance. 交管部門(mén)在催征養路費。
- People's governments at the county and township levels should give support and assistance in fetch of sand, stone, earth or water for road maintenance. 第三十七條縣、鄉級人民政府對公路養護需要的挖砂、采石、取土以及取水,應當給予支持和協(xié)助。
- Pavement is the main body of highway,as a senior road maintenance cement concrete pavement maintenance work is a priority in the work. 路面是公路的主體,作為高級路面的水泥砼路面其維修工作是目前養護工作中的一個(gè)重點(diǎn)。
- "There are many taxes which are levied in the name of development and road maintenance, so there is no need for raising the tax or levying new taxes. 很多稅費都是以公路保養和發(fā)展的名義征收的,所以根本沒(méi)有必要提高稅收和征收新稅?!?/li>
- Receipts should be given by departments in charge of transportation to units and individuals that have paid road maintenance fees. 擁有車(chē)輛的單位和個(gè)人繳納公路養路費的,由交通主管部門(mén)發(fā)給公路養路費收訖標志;
- Before the enforcement of collection of fuel oil surcharges, the existing road maintenance fee collection regulations shall be in force. 燃油附加費征收辦法施行前,仍實(shí)行現行的公路養路費征收辦法。
- Lessor pay the salary of the driver in the using process, insurance (full) fee, car maintenance fee, the fee of fuel ,road maintenance fee , and annual check-up fees. 上述租金包括司機的工資,保險和車(chē)輛的保險費、維護保養費、燃油費、養路費、審驗費等費用。
- military mechanized road equipment 路面器材
- Motorists are advised that to facilitate road maintenance works by Highways Department, Wuhu Street Underpass will be temporarily closed to all vehicular traffic. 紅磡蕪湖街行車(chē)隧道將臨時(shí)封閉,以便路政署進(jìn)行道路維修工程。
- Motorists are advised that to facilitate the road maintenance works by Highways Department, Winslow Street Underpass will be temporarily closed to all vehicular traffic. 溫思勞街行車(chē)隧道將臨時(shí)封閉,以便路政署進(jìn)行道路維修工程。
- And then to motor vehicle insurance business hall, road maintenance fees Kong entry, insurance, road maintenance information, production information card. 再到機動(dòng)車(chē)業(yè)務(wù)大廳機動(dòng)車(chē)保險、養路費崗錄入保險、養路費信息,制作信息卡。
- As the General Chinese Dealer of US VSS company, and US Cimline company, Dalian Kailian also deals with road maintenance equipment of US Bearcat and Leeboy. 同時(shí)還代理美國百開(kāi)、力霸等公司的公路養護設備。