- Derived unit model structure is clear, and reflects mechanism of system internal relevancy and external correlation. 導出的模型結構清晰,較好的反映了系統內部關(guān)聯(lián)和外部聯(lián)系機制。
- It describe online electrionics calibration's key components, the mechanism of dataflow and message flow and the implementation of system functions. 詳細描述在線(xiàn)電子學(xué)刻度系統的關(guān)鍵組件模塊,系統內部數據流及消息流的工作機制,以及系統的功能實(shí)現。
- The mechanics of staging a play are very complicated. 排演話(huà)劇的過(guò)程很復雜。
- Furthermore, the way how to extend the function served to readjust adaptively the feed speed is studied on the basis of system restructuring mechanism of FSM. 基于FSM的系統重構機理,研究了在系統中擴充自適應調節進(jìn)給速度功能的方法。
- Reducing work load of system maintenance. 減輕企業(yè)工作量。
- The current number of system handles in use. 當前正在使用的系統句柄。
- For a compendium of system security definitions. 以獲得關(guān)于系統安全定義的概要。
- By using Red Hat Linux 6.0 as an example,this paper presents a method to modify system calls or add system calls through analysing mechanics of system call of Linux Operating System. 以 Red Hat L inux6.;0為例;通過(guò)剖析 Linux系統調用的工作機理;提出截獲、修改、增加系統調用函數的基本方法
- Third, the question of system and structure. 第三,關(guān)于體制、機構問(wèn)題。
- He has natural ability, but has yet to learn the mechanics of his chosen work. 他很有天分,但對選擇的工作該怎樣處理,他仍得好好學(xué)習。
- With the help of system analysing program CRAS. 進(jìn)行試驗模態(tài)分析.
- He grasped the mechanics of play-writing. 他掌握了劇本的寫(xiě)作技巧。
- Indication of system power On/Off status. 系統指示電源開(kāi)/關(guān)狀態(tài).
- Harmonious society can only exist and develop under the condition of scientific distribution and effective operation of system mechanisms of benefit equilibrium and right guarantee. 和諧社會(huì )只有在利益均衡、權利保障的制度機制科學(xué)配置和有效運作的條件下才能發(fā)生和可持續發(fā)展。
- The mechanics of entropy are a matter of chance. 熵的構成是一個(gè)機遇問(wèn)題。
- In system designing, this dissertation introduces the mechanism of system design, and designed the system hardware parts, including the mech-electronic control parts and the related circuits. 在此基礎上,重點(diǎn)研究了液晶電視特性參數綜合測量系統的硬件設計,包括整個(gè)機械部分的設計及部件選擇,機電控制部分的控制方案及電路設計。
- STUDY the mechanics of each blow, strike and kick. 研究每一種打擊和踢擊的技術(shù)細節。
- At the same time, this paper discusses the specific mechanisms of outsourcing of acquisition and cataloging from the aspects of the change of system circumstance and mimetic mechanism. 并從制度環(huán)境變遷和“示范-模仿”機制兩個(gè)方面探討了催生采編業(yè)務(wù)外包的具體機制。
- The mechanics of fixing a car are very long. 修理一部汽車(chē)的過(guò)程很長(cháng)。
- According to the great influence of system acidity and alkalinity on MCM41 molecular sieve formation in hydrothermal condition, a detailed formation mechanism of MCM41 was proposed. 在水熱體系中,合成介質(zhì)的酸堿性對MCM-41分子篩的生成有很大的影響,據此提出了MCM-41分子篩生成的詳細機理。