- Prior to 1986, there was a division among the courts regarding whether the possible joint and several liability of CERCLA defendants was a matter of federal or state common law. 1986年以前,就被告人的可能連帶責任是屬于聯(lián)邦普通法范疇還是屬于州普通法范疇這一問(wèn)題,法院的看法是有區分的。
- Exceptions to this general applicability of federal law apply where Congress intended to exempt Native Americans. 聯(lián)邦法律普遍實(shí)用性的例外情形有;國會(huì )特意對土著(zhù)居民免除的.
- Refilling or shipping compressed gas cylinders without the consent of the owner is a violation of Federal law. 未經(jīng)所有者同意重新灌裝或運輸壓縮氣體鋼瓶是侵犯聯(lián)邦法律的行為。
- Issuing a prescription for human growth hormone for any of these unauthorized purposes is a violation of federal law. 因這些未經(jīng)核準的目的而開(kāi)出人類(lèi)生長(cháng)荷爾蒙的處方是違反聯(lián)邦法律的。
- Bilingual education in USA today is a matter of federal law. BE Act is a progressive step but it does not actually promote multilingualism. 美國的雙語(yǔ)教學(xué)是以聯(lián)邦法律的形式確立的,《雙語(yǔ)教學(xué)條例》的制定是一大進(jìn)步,但它實(shí)際上并未促進(jìn)多語(yǔ)主義的發(fā)展,因此,它基本上是一個(gè)有悖于雙語(yǔ)主義的法律。
- This result is difficult to discern in the language of the Clean Water Act itself, and seems to present no practical advantages over the application of federal law. 這種結果按照《潔凈水法案》條文本身很難辨別,似乎在運用聯(lián)邦法律方面還沒(méi)有出現實(shí)際上的優(yōu)越性。
- As a matter of fact, I've never been there before. 事實(shí)上我從未到過(guò)那兒。
- Because current federal law already forbids the use of federal funds to create embryosfor research or to knowingly endanger an embryo's life, NBAC will remain silent on embryo research. 因為現今的聯(lián)邦法律已經(jīng)禁止使用聯(lián)邦基金克隆胚胎用于研究或者有意地威脅胚胎的生命,NBAC在胚胎研究上將保持沉默。
- It is a matter of life and death for them. 這事對他們來(lái)說(shuō)是生死攸關(guān)。
- It may be a matter of months before it's ready. 要準備好可能得數月時(shí)間。
- The revolt was suppressed in a matter of hours. 叛亂在幾小時(shí)之內就鎮壓下去了。
- Is success simply a matter of working hard? 是否只要勤奮就能成功?
- They did it as a matter of routine. 他們那樣做只是例行公事。
- It's entirely a matter of preference. 這完全是個(gè)見(jiàn)仁見(jiàn)智的問(wèn)題。
- As a matter of fact, light is a form of energy. 其實(shí),光是能的一種形式。
- It's a matter of a few more miles, that's all. 最多再有幾英里,也不過(guò)如此。
- No sense of direction 無(wú)方向感,路盲
- I have a matter of importance to deal with. 我有要事要處理。
- Outside the sweep of federal authority. 封建政權控制范圍以外
- It is a matter of prime importance. 此事至為重要。