- Special Thanks for the Organizer provide match result. 特別鳴謝主辨機構提供比賽賽果.
- Before the season the match result, the rocket two fights the grizzly bears maintains does not defeat. 從季前賽的成績(jì)來(lái)看,火箭兩戰灰熊保持不敗。
- No1. why did you not try to be an ophthalmologist in States, since you hae got the ECFMG certification. Or the Match result is not in your faorite? 第一:既然您已經(jīng)得到了ECFMG的證明,為什么您沒(méi)有在美國做眼科醫生呢?或者是您匹配的結果不是很令您滿(mǎn)意?
- Noticed some really peculiar match results, is something wrong ? 下面是一個(gè)比較奇怪的比賽結果,參考。
- Appends the item to the end of the collection, ignoring match results. 忽略匹配結果,將該項追加到集合結尾。
- The match result is two to one. 全場(chǎng)比賽結果1。
- Moreover, according the information of vehicle corner, this paper adopts Kalman filter to track each moving vehicle and uses optic projective transform to partially resume the depth of these corners, which can check the match result. 同時(shí),根據車(chē)輛的角特征點(diǎn)信息,將卡爾曼濾波器引入車(chē)輛跟蹤算法中,并借助光學(xué)投影方程部分恢復待匹配角特征點(diǎn)的高度信息,以檢查匹配算法的準確性。
- However, if the Indonesians lose in the first singles, Taufik, playing in the second or third singles, will have the chance to win.The final match result will then be decided by the two doubles. 但是,印尼隊的第一單打如果失利,作為第二或第三單打的陶菲克就有望奪分,而最后的勝敗將由兩場(chǎng)雙打比賽來(lái)決定。
- We desperately need a result from this match. 這場(chǎng)比賽我們務(wù)必獲勝。
- The total sum of the individual match results in each component match shall be accumulated to declare an overall tournament winner. 由累積個(gè)別大賽成績(jì)的總和來(lái)產(chǎn)生出整場(chǎng)錦標賽的冠軍。
- The result of the match was 2-1 to Chicago. 比賽結果芝加哥隊以二比一獲勝。
- Every time the PC freezes, the match results will be worse upon reboot and replay. This will be both for you and for your immediate rivals. 每次死機,重啟并重玩之后的比賽結果一定會(huì )比以前的差。這條定律適用于你,以及你當時(shí)的競爭對手。
- This paper presents a method to calculating DTM from DSM in urban area which is based on the image matching result and structure and texture features. 討論了根據影像匹配的結果將DSM修正成DTM的方法。 本文針對城市地區航空影像的立體匹配結果,結合影像的結構紋理特征,提出了一種自動(dòng)修正影像匹配結果以獲得正確的DTM的方法。
- On conclusion of the match, the team captains should post the match results in the ACSL forum for inclusion in the ACSL league table. 比賽結束時(shí),戰隊隊長(cháng)應該發(fā)一個(gè)關(guān)于比賽結果的帖子到ACSL論壇的ACSL聯(lián)賽得分欄內。
- Forfeit : Any team with fewer than 7 players at kick off time forfeits the match resulting in a 3-0 win for their opponents. 缺席:在比賽開(kāi)始時(shí)參賽人數未達到7人的球隊將被判本場(chǎng)比賽0比3告負。
- He lost the tennis match by default. 他因不出場(chǎng)而輸了網(wǎng)球賽。
- Proportion of solid colour fibres can be exactly predicted utlizing the least square calculating method.This colour matching result is matchable to spectrum. 使用最小二乘算法可以準確的預測各單色纖維的比例,配色結果可以達到光譜匹配。
- They tried to forecast the result of the football match. 他們試圖預測這場(chǎng)足球比賽的結果。
- It's highly probable that they will win the match. 他們很可能會(huì )贏(yíng)這場(chǎng)比賽。
- Match your skill against the experts in this quiz. 在這一測驗中你與專(zhuān)家較量一下技巧吧。