- Any movement of data made because of changed access requirements. 因為改變存取要求所作的任何的數據移動(dòng)。
- The local government will reform its market access policies. 地方政府將要改革其市場(chǎng)準入政策。
- The two IT companies are bickering over market access. 兩家資訊科技公司正為爭奪市場(chǎng)而鬧個(gè)不休。
- Guangzhou City real estate market access scale operation phase. 廣州市房地產(chǎn)市場(chǎng)進(jìn)入規模經(jīng)營(yíng)階段。
- And tries to establish the basic frame of legal institution for market access. 狹義的市場(chǎng)準入或指一般市場(chǎng)準入,或指特殊市場(chǎng)準入,或指國際市場(chǎng)準入。
- Hedged market access strategies will be used to increase risk adjusted returns. 對沖市場(chǎng)策略將被采用以增加風(fēng)險調整收益.
- And other broadband access compared Ethernet was favored because the small investment can subparagraph investment, the lower capital requirements for the developers is acceptable market access. 和其他寬帶接入相比,以太網(wǎng)受到青睞,是因為投資小,可以分段投資,對開(kāi)發(fā)商的資金要求較低,是市場(chǎng)可以接受的接入。
- It is at this stage of design that data access requirements and performance factors need to be considered in some detail. 在設計的這個(gè)階段,就需要較為詳細地考慮數據訪(fǎng)問(wèn)需求和性能因素。
- FTP access requires that you know the URL of the site. FTP訪(fǎng)問(wèn)需要知道站點(diǎn)的URL。
- Can't access required registry entry, error code %1! X! 無(wú)法訪(fǎng)問(wèn)所需的注冊表項,錯誤代碼%251!
- The qualifications of all kinds of market entities need to be carefully examined to properly control market access. 嚴格審查各類(lèi)市場(chǎng)主體的資質(zhì),把好市場(chǎng)準入關(guān)。
- At this boundary,information traveling to and from the corporate center would be crossing three security zones,and would have to meet the access requirements at each border. 在這一個(gè)界限內,進(jìn)出公司中心的信息將穿過(guò)3個(gè)安全區域,在每道防線(xiàn)上都必須滿(mǎn)足接入要求。
- Extranet access requires products specifically designed for this purpose. 內擴網(wǎng)訪(fǎng)問(wèn)需要有專(zhuān)門(mén)為解決此問(wèn)題而設計的產(chǎn)品。
- Thirdly, the development of new economy has open the door wider for companies to get market access. 第三,新經(jīng)濟的發(fā)展,給企業(yè)的市場(chǎng)進(jìn)入大開(kāi)方便之門(mén)。
- At this boundary, information traveling to and from the corporate center would be crossing three security zones, and would have to meet the access requirements at each border. 在這一個(gè)界限內,進(jìn)出公司中心的信息將穿過(guò)3個(gè)安全區域,在每道防線(xiàn)上都必須滿(mǎn)足接入要求。
- We have noticed that recently Taiwan has reached bilateral market access agreement with the United States on the issue of WTO entrance. 我們注意到,最近臺灣方面己同美就加入WTO問(wèn)題達成了雙邊市場(chǎng)準入協(xié)議。
- We should expand the area in which private capital has market access and create an environment of fair competition for all types of market players. 放寬國內民間資本的市場(chǎng)準入領(lǐng)域,創(chuàng )造各類(lèi)市場(chǎng)主體公平競爭的環(huán)境。
- Direct Market Access Adapters have been developed for a wide range of Exchanges globally. 我們開(kāi)發(fā)的市場(chǎng)直連適配器用于全球各大交易所。
- One such area will be to cooperate in market access, export controls and trade finance. 其中一項就是在市場(chǎng)準入、出口控制及貿易財務(wù)方面緊密合作。
- In EC, Trade Barriers Regulation (TBR) is an important tool to realize the Market Access Strategy. 在歐共體 ,《貿易壁壘條例》是實(shí)施“市場(chǎng)進(jìn)入戰略”貿易政策的重要工具。