- In marine seismic acquisition, the gas bubble produced by an air gun oscillates and generates subsequent pulses that cause source-generated noise. 在海上地震數據采集中,空氣槍產(chǎn)生的氣泡的振動(dòng)在地震數據中產(chǎn)生了很多后續的脈沖,即震源產(chǎn)生的噪音。
- But,by this time,limited by the technology,all of the marine seismic devices of our country were bought from fremdness which were very costliness and mantained discommodiousness. 但是,一直到現在,由于技術(shù)發(fā)展的落后,我國海洋石油勘探設備一直都是從國外進(jìn)口,價(jià)格昂貴,維修很不方便。
- Generally, to improve the resolution and S/N ratio of seismic record is inconsistent. 一般來(lái)說(shuō),提高地震記錄的分辨率和信噪比是相互矛盾的。
- This article introduced the basic testing condition, equipment, methods and data processing technology on testing standard of SEG marine seismic air gun. 本文較詳細地介紹了SEG海洋地震震源測試標準中有關(guān)測試的基本條件、設備、關(guān)鍵方法及數據處理技術(shù)。
- The optimum wavelet is finally evaluated based on the varimax criterion for a zero-phasing seismic record or section. 本文提出利用時(shí)窗長(cháng)度掃描的方法,以不同的子波相位譜對地震記錄進(jìn)行子波零相位化處理,最后根據最大方差模準則確定最佳子波。
- AVO technique is another effective geophysical method after bright spot technique whichutilizes amplitude imformation of seismic record for gas prospecting. AVO技術(shù)是繼亮點(diǎn)技術(shù)之后的又一項利用地震振幅信息勘探天然氣的有效地球物理方法。
- An Agreement for Joint Marine Seismic Undertaking on Certain Areas in the South China Sea By and Between Philippine National Oil Company and China National Offshore Oil Corporation. 菲律賓國家石油公司與中國海洋石油公司在南海特定海域進(jìn)行聯(lián)合海洋地震研究協(xié)議。
- Double major producers of metal thermometer, glass thermometer, Marine Seismic thermometers, thermocouple, heat resistance, the pressure thermometers and pressure gauges and other products. 主要生產(chǎn)雙金屬溫度計、玻璃溫度計、船用耐震溫度計、熱電偶、熱電阻、壓力式溫度計和壓力表等系列產(chǎn)品。
- On the basis of the analysis of the hypothesis in surface-consistent model, the conjugate gradient method is applied to decompose the seismic record in time domain in terms of the surface-consistent precondition and model. 摘要通過(guò)對地表一致性數學(xué)物理模型的前提條件進(jìn)行剖析,合理地確定了反射振幅一致性校正模型,并依據該模型及其實(shí)現條件提出使用共軛梯度方法在時(shí)間域對地震記錄進(jìn)行譜分解處理。
- Every link of source shot,wave spread,geophone receiving and seismic recording all has influence to the data fidelity. 震源的激發(fā)、波的傳播、檢波器的接收和儀器記錄各個(gè)環(huán)節對地震信息的保真度都有影響。
- Chiang, S.-C.(1974) A study on the CDP seismic records in the Kengtzukou structure, Hsinchu, Taiwan. Petroleum Geology of Taiwan, 11, 197-210. 江新春(1974)臺灣新竹坑子口構造共同深度點(diǎn)(CDP)震測之研究。臺灣石油地質(zhì),第11號,第197-210頁(yè)。
- For the sites lacking the data of the boreholes and digital seismic records, "the combined effect of amplification and attenuation"(ab. 對于既缺少深鉆孔資料,又缺少數字地震記錄資料的厚蓋層場(chǎng)地,其場(chǎng)地放大和衰減聯(lián)合效應(簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng)"場(chǎng)地聯(lián)合效應")用常規方法估計困難。
- From a scientific standpoint, the magnitude scale is based on seismic records while the Mercalli is based on observable data which can be subjective. 從科學(xué)角度出發(fā),震級是以地震記錄為基礎計算得出的,而麥加利烈度則以可觀(guān)測數據(可能帶有主觀(guān)性)為基礎得出。
- Safety requirement for marine seismic arigun system operation 海洋地震空氣槍系統作業(yè)安全要求
- These ideas had initially been developed from seismic recordings, and I worked on a team that extended the same ideas to well logs, cores, and rock outcrops. 這些思想最初來(lái)源于地震記錄,而我所在的工作小組又將這些思想拓展到對測井曲線(xiàn)、巖心和露出地面的巖石層的研究中。
- A Technique to Make the Old Marine Seismic Data Matchable 海洋老地震資料匹配處理技術(shù)
- YANG Ding-Hui, TENG Ji-Wen.FCT finite difference modeling of three-component seismic records in anisotropic media.Oil Geophysical Prospecting, 1997, 32:181-190. [18]楊頂輝;滕吉文.;各向異性介質(zhì)中三分量地震波記錄的FCT有限差分模擬
- Testing standard and method of marine seismic air gun wavelet 海洋地震空氣槍系統子波測試標準及方法
- Surface structure survey by using the surface wave information in seismic records can provide a new method for calculation of static correction and accurate seismic imaging. 總之,充分利用地震記錄中的面波信息調查表層結構將會(huì )為靜校正量的計算和地震精確成像提供新的技術(shù)手段。
- The BBC often plays a record to fill in. 英國廣播公司經(jīng)常在節目空檔時(shí)播放唱片。