- Adjustable float for optimum water level control. 通過(guò)調節浮球能保持最佳水位。
- You can use Automatic Level Control only if Monitor is set to Off. 如果監聽(tīng)器設定為“關(guān)閉”,則只能使用自動(dòng)電平控制。
- Constant temperature water heated device, constant water level control system. 恒溫水加熱裝配、恒水位保持系統。
- Each talk key has individual listen level control and LCD level indication. 每個(gè)通話(huà)按鍵都有獨立的收聽(tīng)電平控制和LCD電平指示。
- CSS supports gives pixel level control on the look and feel of these sites. CSS支持針對這些網(wǎng)站的外觀(guān)提供像素級別的控制。
- The use of advanced water level control device, automatic water system. 利用先進(jìn)的液位控制裝置,自動(dòng)控制供水系統。
- At the output of the active gain circuits is the master level control. 在有源增益電路的輸出端是主音量控制。
- RF Radio Frequency Level Controller. RF系列射頻導納式物位控制器。
- The control system has two level control system and two communication network. 整個(gè)控制系統由二級控制系統和二層通訊網(wǎng)絡(luò )構成。
- It is a feature to apply the IMAC to the mould molten steel level control. IMAC的引入使結晶器液位控制獨具特色。
- Set up the level control system to ensure that the machines work properly. 超聲波清洗機設置液位控制系統,確保機器正常工作。
- Proper consideration of both items will help the customer determine suitable sump pit dimensions and level control elevations. 正確考慮這兩個(gè)問(wèn)題將有助于用戶(hù)確定適當的污水坑直徑和水位控制高度。
- The rundown of Stripper bottom product is by level control acting on the Fractionator furnace pass control valves. 汽提塔底產(chǎn)品的排出由液位控制,該液位控制調控分餾塔加熱爐通道控制閥。
- Advanced infrared liquid level control system and voltage protection device make operating simple and safe. 先進(jìn)的紅外線(xiàn)液位控制系統和壓力保護裝置,使操作簡(jiǎn)單,安全可靠。
- Special instructions called delta hints are the lowest level control, moving a control point at just one pixel size. 特別結構delta hints是最低級的控制,用來(lái)移動(dòng)一個(gè)控制點(diǎn)或一個(gè)像素大小。
- Keff focus his mind, manipulate level movements by using floor switches and persuade your enemies with the latest freeze-cannon! 運用地板機關(guān)與用超大型冷凍大炮來(lái)說(shuō)服你的敵人來(lái)通過(guò)關(guān)卡!
- Automatic Level Control lowers the level to prevent feedback, and raises the level if it is too low. 自動(dòng)電平控制會(huì )降低電平以防止反饋,如果電平太低,則會(huì )提高電平。
- The company's Level Control air-spring suspension kit is an available option, with lowering springs as standard. 該公司的液位控制空氣彈簧懸掛套件是一個(gè)可行的選擇,以降低彈簧標準.
- The levelling control starts working from a certain throttle value only. 只有節流閥超過(guò)了一定的值,水平控制才會(huì )開(kāi)始工作。
- Glass level controllers: optical and mechanical for all types of furnaces. 玻璃液面控制:各種光學(xué)和機械設備適用于各種類(lèi)型的窯爐。