- There is no right of appeal against the decision. 關(guān)于這項判決,沒(méi)有上訴權。
- Family visitors do attract a right of appeal. 家庭訪(fǎng)問(wèn)者的申請有權上訴。
- Business visitors do not attract a right of appeal. 商務(wù)訪(fǎng)問(wèn)者申請無(wú)權上訴。
- Found guilty, he shall have the right of appeal. 任何人被判有罪,都有上訴權。
- Spouse applications do attract a right of appeal. 配偶簽證申請有權上訴。
- Visitors in transit do not attract a right of appeal. 過(guò)境訪(fǎng)問(wèn)人員無(wú)權上訴。
- SEGS applicants and their dependants do attract a right of appeal. SEGS申請人和其陪伴人員有權上訴。
- If he be found guilty, John shall have the right of appeal. 如果約翰被證明有罪,他會(huì )有上訴的權利的。
- The right of appeal is an important part of good law. 上訴的權利是完善的法律的重要部分。
- If you disagree with the amount of tax assessed, you have the right of appeal. 假如您不同意所評定的稅款,也可以上訴。
- If you have the right of appeal, the ECO will give you three documents. 如果被拒絕,您將收到三份文件
- Direct airside transit applications do not attract a right of appeal. 機場(chǎng)直轉過(guò)境簽證申請無(wú)權上訴。
- If I am not happy with the decision given on my application, do I have a right of appeal? 如果我對申請結論不滿(mǎn)意,是否有權上訴?
- For some types of application, there is a right of appeal when the visa is refused. 對于某些類(lèi)型的申請,在簽證被拒簽后有權提出上訴。
- The Entry Clearance Officer will tell you if you have a right of appeal and give you the appeal forms you need. 入境驗證官將告訴您有權提出上訴,并向您提供所需要的上訴表格。
- Habeas Corpus is defendant's basic criminal Procedural right of appeal in the federal system in America. 美國聯(lián)邦法院人身保護是對州法院刑事被告提供的基本性申訴權利。
- If we refuse your visa application and you want to spend more than six months in the UK, you may also have the right of appeal. 如果您的簽證被拒絕,并且希望在英國停留六個(gè)月或更長(cháng)時(shí)間,您也可有權提出上訴。
- Is there a right of way across these fields? 人們有權通過(guò)這些田地嗎?
- He was done out of the right of boxing. 他被取消了拳擊比賽資格。
- The only difference between this application and a normal visit application is that a family visit application attracts a right of appeal if the application is refused. 此類(lèi)訪(fǎng)問(wèn)申請與常規訪(fǎng)問(wèn)申請唯一不同的是家庭訪(fǎng)問(wèn)申請如果被拒簽后是有權上訴的。