- manage to keep oneself alive with bran and wild herbs 靠糠菜度命
- To keep oneself or one's plans hidden. 隱匿使自己或自己的計劃不為人所知
- She manage to keep control of her car on the ice. 她在冰上開(kāi)車(chē)時(shí),盡力控制住了汽車(chē)。
- How did you manage to keep out of debt? 你是怎樣設法不欠債的?
- How do you manage to keep so healthy? 你是怎樣保持這么健康的呢?
- Firemen managed to keep the fire under. 消防隊員盡力控制了火勢。
- This is exhausting work,but I manage to keep going. 這是一樁非常費勁的工作,但我還是設法搞下去。
- Do you think you can manage to keep them occupied? 你認為你能讓這些人注意力集中在你們這里么?
- How can we manage to keep the news from her? 我們要怎么辦才能不讓她知道那條消息?
- The shopkeeper managed to keep in with his customers. 店主設法做到同顧客搞好關(guān)系。
- Paul had a number of irons in the fire, and he managed to keep all of them hot. 保羅手上攬了好幾件工作,他有辦法件件都做好。
- By clinging like grim death to the boat, Tom managed to keep inside it. 湯姆拼命抓住那船,身體才沒(méi)有落到水里。
- How did you managed to keep your skin creamy? 你是怎么保持皮膚的細膩的?
- He asked how we managed to keep renminbi so stable. 他問(wèn)我們是怎樣使人民幣保持這樣穩定的。
- He was insulted,but he managed to keep his temper. 他盡管受到了污辱,但還是忍住沒(méi)發(fā)火。
- She just managed to keep the ball in play. 她把球勉強保持在界內。
- I just managed to keep myself from falling. 我差一點(diǎn)兒沒(méi)摔倒。
- Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this, to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. 在神我們的神面前,那清潔沒(méi)有玷污的虔誠,就是看顧在患難中的孤兒寡婦,并且保守自己不沾染世俗。
- I managed to keep myself from crying. 我設法忍住沒(méi)哭出來(lái)。
- Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this,to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. 在神我們的神面前,那清潔沒(méi)有玷污的虔誠,就是看顧在患難中的孤兒寡婦,并且保守自己不沾染世俗。