- The report also makes irresponsible comments on China's future development programs concerning guided missiles,nuclear weapons and manned space flight. 而且該報告還對中國未來(lái)導彈、核武器、載人航天發(fā)展計劃說(shuō)三道四。
- However, certain forces have applied double standards and made irresponsible comments about and wanton accusations against the way the Chinese Government handles Falun Gong. 然而,某些勢力卻對中國政府處理“法輪功”問(wèn)題說(shuō)三道四、橫加指責,實(shí)行雙重標準。
- The report also makes irresponsible comments on China's future development programs concerning guided missiles, nuclear weapons and manned space flight. 而且該報告還對中國未來(lái)導彈、核武器、載人航天發(fā)展計劃說(shuō)三道四。
- Don't make irresponsible remarks! 不要說(shuō)三道四。
- Do not make irresponsible remarks! 不要說(shuō)三道四。
- We are outraged at the irresponsible comments made by the journalists. 我們對那些記者的信口雌黃感到憤慨。
- Do not make irresponsible remarks, as language is a blade that can hurt people. 別把亂說(shuō)氣話(huà)當成習慣,因為語(yǔ)言的鋒刃一樣可以傷人。
- A country's direction of development should be decided by its people, and foreigners should not make irresponsible remarks and give orders, let alone meddle in the process. 一個(gè)國家應當走什么樣的道路,應當由這個(gè)國家的人民自己來(lái)決定,而不應由外人說(shuō)三道四,指手劃腳,甚至越俎代庖。
- He made irresponsible remarks at random, regardless of the consequences. 他不顧后果,而信口雌黃。
- Making irresponsible remarks in public, he has no sense of public morality. 他在公共場(chǎng)合浪語(yǔ),一點(diǎn)也不注意公德!
- With the practice of inner-Party democracy and criticism and self-criticism,people will not tend to make irresponsible remarks behind other's backs,but instead lay the problems out on the table. 有了黨內民主和批評與自我批評,有問(wèn)題就不是在下面亂講,而是擺到桌面上來(lái)。
- With the practice of inner-Party democracy and criticism and self-criticism, people will not tend to make irresponsible remarks behind other's backs, but instead lay the problems out on the table. 有了黨內民主和批評與自我批評,有問(wèn)題就不是在下面亂講,而是擺到桌面上來(lái)。
- S. politicians of making irresponsible statements and criticisms that he said lacked courtesy. 他指責美國政治家發(fā)表不負責任的聲明和批評,他稱(chēng)這都缺乏禮貌。
- The most typical performance of stubbornness is to quarrel or even vituperate unreasoningly.I can say that, 90% of the people on line are only making irresponsible remarks. 頑固最典型的表現就是無(wú)理性地爭執甚至漫罵,我可以說(shuō),90%25的人在網(wǎng)上都是在毫不負責任地信口雌黃,例子我都不多舉了。
- Someone, who has some achievements, nit-picks and criticizes other Buddhists and even shows disrespect to his guru and kalyana-mitra, makes irresponsible remarks, forms cliques and approbates himself. 師傅說(shuō),不要寫(xiě)“開(kāi)示”,就說(shuō)“心得”吧,,,哎。。太謙虛了。。。幾種學(xué)佛的心態(tài)有的人,把佛之教義,當成自己的工具,到處“弘法”,依佛穿衣吃飯,名利雙收;
- make irresponsible remarks; wag one's tongue too freely 信口雌黃
- The president's comment on taxes make him a sit duck to critic. 總統對稅收的意見(jiàn)使他成為眾矢之的。
- Have you any comment(s) to make on the recent developments? 你對最近的事態(tài)發(fā)展有什麼評論嗎?
- He doubled his slice of bread to make a sandwich. 他將一片面包對摺做成三明治
- This sentence doesn't make sense. 這個(gè)句子沒(méi)有意義。