- Hence, the task to maintain social stability will become even more arduous. 全面建設小康社會(huì )要求中國的發(fā)展不僅要有速度,還要有質(zhì)量;
- We will continue to unswervingly maintain social stability, which is the basic guarantee for implementing our tasks of reform and construction. 我們要繼續堅定不移地保持社會(huì )穩定。這是我們完成改革和建設任務(wù)的基本保證。
- Comprehensive management of public order long unremitting efforts to effectively maintain social stability. 社會(huì )治安綜合治理工作長(cháng)抓不懈,切實(shí)維護社會(huì )穩定。
- It is the duty of People's Police in prison to rehabilitate offenders and maintain social stability. 在新時(shí)期,對監獄人民警察的思想政治工作也要保持與時(shí)俱進(jìn)。
- We will continue to unswervingly maintain social stability,which is the basic guarantee for implementing our tasks of reform and construction. 我們要繼續堅定不移地保持社會(huì )穩定。這是我們完成改革和建設任務(wù)的基本保證。
- The Canadian multicultural policy has opened up a new route to respect ethnic rights, solve ethnic conflict and maintain social stability. 加拿大的多元文化政策在如何在多民族國家中尊重少數民族權利、解決民族沖突和保持社會(huì )穩定方面開(kāi)辟了新的途徑。
- We must spare no effort in maintaining social stability. 全力維護社會(huì )穩定。
- Under pressure from Beijing to maintain social stability, local officials are also trying to tamp down unrest by doling out back wages. 在北京政府維持社會(huì )穩定的壓力之下,當地官員試圖通過(guò)發(fā)放所欠工資來(lái)制止騷亂。
- "We must deal properly in lettering and petition work, maintain social stability, and ensure a safe and successful Olympics. “我們必須正確處理(群眾)來(lái)信和上訪(fǎng)工作,保持社會(huì )穩定,并確保一次安全成功的奧運會(huì )?!?/li>
- We will continue to unswervingly maintain social stability , which is the basic guarantee for implementing our tasks of reform and construction. 我們要繼續堅定不移地保持社會(huì )穩定。這是我們完成改革和建設任務(wù)的基本保證。
- His prediction is consistent with a government order mandating state-owned companies not to lay off workers, presumably to maintain social stability. 他的預測和中國政府要求國企不許裁員的做法相吻合,目的應該是維護社會(huì )穩定。
- We did so in order to maintain social stability, to defend the nation's legal system and to safeguard the people's fundamental interest. 我們采取有效的措施來(lái)維護社會(huì )的穩定;保證國家法律體系完整以及保護人民群眾的根本利益.
- The community and the SAR Government have worked together to meet the challenges of the financial turmoil, to restore economic growth and to maintain social stability. 廣大市民與特區政府一起,克服了金融風(fēng)暴的沖擊,恢復增長(cháng)活力,維持了社會(huì )的穩定。
- At the socialist preliminary stage, rule by law may not be the sole way to maintain social stability, guarantee social justice and protect lawful rights of majority people. 摘要社會(huì )主義初級階段,法治還不能成為維護社會(huì )穩定、保證社會(huì )公正、有效地保護絕大多數人的合法利益的唯一方式。
- Accordingly, fortifier course of study runs a service, use manpower resource effectively, deepen reform to advancing, maintain social stability, having very main effect. 因此,強化物業(yè)管理服務(wù),有效利用人力資源,對于推進(jìn)深化改革,保持社會(huì )穩定,有著(zhù)十分重要的作用。
- The party decrees that maintaining social stability is of paramount importance. 黨關(guān)于維持社會(huì )穩定的政令極為重要。
- The government is worried that this will dent its effort to stimulate consumer spending in rural areas, making it harder to maintain social stability, he says. 政府部門(mén)擔憂(yōu)這會(huì )深刻得影響到農村地區的刺激消費計劃,這使得維持社會(huì )穩定越來(lái)越難。
- Thus the gap must be narrowed, by means of certain policy, taxation, law-maki ng, social welfare and ideological education to maintain social stability and so cial justice. 因此有必要從制度保證、政策調控、稅收調節、法制規范、扶貧濟困、思想教育方面采取措施,遏制貧富懸殊,保障社會(huì )公平,維護社會(huì )穩定。
- Efforts should be made to properly balance the relations among reform,development and stability,correctly understand and handle the contradictions among the people and always maintain social stability and unity. 要始終注意處理好改革、發(fā)展、穩定的關(guān)系,正確認識和處理人民內部矛盾,始終保持社會(huì )的安定團結。
- Women have played an irreplaceable role in enhancing social morality, maintaining social stability. 中國婦女在促進(jìn)社會(huì )道德進(jìn)步、維護社會(huì )穩定方面發(fā)揮了不可替代的作用。