- This tax bears down on the lower middle class. 稅務(wù)壓倒了中產(chǎn)階級的下層。
- The four cylindered diesel engine's piston side force and main bearing force were achieved through simulation of dynamic mechanism system which consisted of crankshaft and connecting rods. 建立了一臺4缸4沖程柴油機曲柄連桿系統的多體動(dòng)力學(xué)模型,通過(guò)多體動(dòng)力學(xué)仿真的方法,求解出活塞、連桿、曲軸系統在工作過(guò)程中對機體的激勵。
- The tax bears heavily on the poor. 稅捐沈重地壓在窮人身上。
- Whether good psychology bears force? 是否有良好的心理承受力?
- In the past, agricultural taxes were the main tax revenue in our country. 過(guò)去,農業(yè)稅是我國的主體稅。
- The hydrodynamic performance of podded propeller is calculated,including the open water characteristics and bearing force. 用面元法對吊艙螺旋槳的水動(dòng)力性能進(jìn)行了計算,得到了吊艙推進(jìn)器的敞水曲線(xiàn)和軸承力。
- But as the calculation of the bearing force of bucket foundation is concerned, there're no referable codes as well as simple and practical calculation method yet. 桶形基礎是90年代初期發(fā)展起來(lái)的一種新型海洋工程結構,與傳統的海洋結構基礎型式相比有很多優(yōu)點(diǎn)。
- The frame,affected by the longest and heaviest pile,is analyzed and calculated in bearing force situation of every working step during construction process. 在整個(gè)施工過(guò)程中考慮最長(cháng)、最重樁對導向架的作用力,分析了導向架每一步的受力情況,并進(jìn)行了受力計算。
- Abstrcat>The article analyses the structure character of simply supported skew beam rectangle aqueduct and deduces the calculation formula of internal force and bearing force. 分析了簡(jiǎn)支梁式斜交矩形渡槽的結構特性,推導出了其內力及支反力的計算公式,并與正交渡槽的受力特性進(jìn)行了比較。
- However, Taiping's additional taxes were very heavy, the main tax was over taxed because of the deputized tax system, and corruption was inevitable. 太平軍雜捐項目繁多,民眾負擔沉重,正稅因鄉官局代收制度,浮收過(guò)多,不能避免行政腐敗現象。
- Therefore, it is important to determine the foundation bear force and stability against overturning of the jack-up rig, which is the basic condition for safe operation of the rig. 自升式平臺作業(yè)時(shí)樁腿的地基承載力及抗傾穩性,對保證平臺在各種海況下的作業(yè)安全是非常重要的。
- Housing Tax Could Be the Main Tax in Western Area 房產(chǎn)稅可以成為西部地方主體稅種
- On Tax Transferring and the Ultimate Tax Bearing 稅負轉嫁與稅負歸宿芻論
- Excepted the effects of process conditions and quality of primary materials, the cross-sectional areas of CFRP determines the failure mode and the ultimate bearing force of RC beams. 摘要 碳纖維復合材料(CFRP)加固鋼筋混凝土(RC)梁的彎曲破壞模式和抗彎極限設計承載力除了與施工工藝及原材料質(zhì)量等因素有關(guān)外,與CFRP的加固截面積有很大關(guān)系。
- My personality sinks , is steady and strict , image is cordial, when person is sincere, can obey leading, united colleague , has greater psychology to bear force and vigorously successful desire. 我性格沉穩嚴謹,形象親切,待人真誠,能服從領(lǐng)導,團結同事,有較大心理承受力及強烈成功欲望。
- At the same time,resave the key problem of driving cord rupture because the beam unit's driving cord couldn't bear force synchronously and partial inner structure transformation due to heating. 同時(shí)解決了抽油機驅動(dòng)繩不能同時(shí)受力;鋼絲繩因加熱而產(chǎn)生的局部材料內部組織變化造成驅動(dòng)繩斷裂等關(guān)鍵問(wèn)題。
- The detachment of the main force was ambushed by the enemy. 從主力部隊派遣的小分隊遭到敵人的伏擊。
- The main impediment to growth is a lack of capital. 影響發(fā)展的主要障礙是缺乏資本。
- The new mill is increased side supporting roller sets to form FFC mill and analysis of roller bear force and working roller steady condition and then gain calculation method of driving roller moment. 對軋輥進(jìn)行受力分析和工作輥穩定條件分析,得到了驅動(dòng)軋輥的力矩公式。
- The main plank in his election campaign is tax reform. 他競選運動(dòng)的主要政綱是稅制改革。