Lawo also manufactures matrix systems and audio networks, carries out project engineering and acts as a main contractor for radio OB vans. 朗沃還生產(chǎn)矩陣系統和音頻網(wǎng)絡(luò ),承擔項目工程,同時(shí)也作為總包商承攬電臺轉播車(chē)制作業(yè)務(wù)。
All caused by labor contractor absconding with money owed to farmers for wages, the total package by using the labor contractor or subcontracting enterprises to advance. 凡是因包工頭攜款潛逃造成拖欠農民工工資的,由使用該包工頭的總包或分包企業(yè)先行墊付。