- Results The anastomoses of 22 cases were all successful. 結果22例手術(shù)均一次順利成功。
- To assess the value valtrac ring used for intestinal anastomoses. 目的評估腸道腫瘤經(jīng)手術(shù)切除后,吻合環(huán)在腸吻合中的應用價(jià)值。
- Enteric anastomoses may disrupt and produce a fistula and peritonitis. 小腸吻合可能破裂并產(chǎn)生瘺管和腹膜炎。
- The anastomoses of injured blood vsals with BVA in 1239 as wer successful . 1239例病人應用血管吻合器吻合的血管全部成功。
- Leaf blade basally truncate; cyme 1-flowered; sepal vein anastomoses absent. 葉片基部漸狹;聚傘花序1--3花;萼片脈網(wǎng)結有時(shí)宿存。(47
- Methods Fourty-four cases were performed operation of anastomos is with two trapezoid and symmetrical lobulated flap in outpatient department. 方法門(mén)診采用梯形對稱(chēng)二等分葉法吻合頭靜脈橈動(dòng)脈形成內瘺44例。
- All the patients underwent colectomy+stage one anastomosis and colonoutlying with different interoperative preparation with which we compared the healing up of anastomo... 結論糞便吸引組作為一種術(shù)中緊急腸道準備方法,其吻合口愈合情況優(yōu)于前兩組;結腸一期吻合加外置的方法有利于觀(guān)察吻合口的愈合情況。
- DST and Low/Ultralow/Colo-Anal Anastomoses Laparoscopically in the Treatment of Low Rectal Cancer. 腹腔鏡DST、低位/超低位/結-肛吻合術(shù)治療低位直腸癌
- There are anastomoses among vertebral and occipital arteries and the pharyngeal branch of ascending pharyngeal artery. 椎動(dòng)脈與枕動(dòng)脈和咽升動(dòng)脈的咽支,顱內的腦動(dòng)脈之間也存在著(zhù)吻合。
- Methods Esophageal mucosa slips into the coat of the stomach and anastomoses it after the carcinomatous tissue excised. 方法常規切除癌腫后全部病例均行食管粘膜胃壁潛入吻合。
- Anastomoses provide critical alternative routes for blood to flow in case of blockages. 并接為血管堵塞時(shí)的血液流動(dòng)提供了關(guān)鍵的選擇途徑。
- Conclusion Microvascular anastomoses of only one superior temporal artery is enough to supply whole avulsed scalp. 結論吻合單側顳淺動(dòng)脈即可營(yíng)養整個(gè)撕脫頭皮。
- Results Duration of anastomoses of the patients were 65,77,82 minutes respectively. 結果移植吻合時(shí)間分別為65分、77分和82分。
- Objective: To assess the value of valtrac ring used for intestinal anastomoses by the animal experiment. 目的:本文通過(guò)生物降解性吻合環(huán)用于動(dòng)物胃腸道吻合的實(shí)驗,研究和探討吻合環(huán)在消化道重建術(shù)中的應用價(jià)值。
- They anastomoses with nerve branch which formed rich vessel network among nerve tract or beside the nerve. 其神經(jīng)支在神經(jīng)束間或神經(jīng)旁相互吻合構成豐富的血管網(wǎng),并借分支與筋膜皮支所形成的皮下筋膜血管網(wǎng)溝通。
- Biliary reconstructions were made by using duct to duct anastomoses, and placement of a T tube in 2 patients. 4例供肝膽管成形后與受體的肝總管端端吻合,其中2例留置"T"型管引流。
- All of the placentas were in monochorial type, two of them had dominant anastomoses and single umbilical artery. 胎盤(pán)為單絨毛膜型,2例有大血管吻合與單臍動(dòng)脈。
- Leaf blade basally attenuate; cyme 1--3-flowered; sepal vein anastomoses sometimes present. 葉片基部漸狹;聚傘花序1--3花;萼片脈網(wǎng)結有時(shí)宿存。(47
- HAN XC, TIAN CL, LI JH, et al.Dilatant therapy of postopretive anastomos in esophagocarcinoma and cardiocarcinoma patients-1777 cases report[J].Henan Journal of Oncology, 1999, 12(5) :382-383. [7]韓孝存;田成林;李菊花;等.;1777例食管癌、賁門(mén)癌術(shù)后吻合口的擴張治療[J]
- In addition,it was short of the anastomoses among the arterial trunks on the gastric surface. 另外腺胃和肌胃的表面缺乏主干動(dòng)脈間的吻合。