With the aid of a film of moisture between them, the lung pleura adheres tightly to the cavity pleura. 肺胸膜與胸腔胸膜借助于它們之間的水膜緊緊貼連。
There is a small, irregular subpleural granuloma involving the lung, and the spleen shows multiple small tan to yellow miliary granulomas. 上圖示小的不規則的胸膜下肉芽腫累及肺,下圖示脾多發(fā)性小的黃褐色至黃色的粟粒性肉芽腫。
Rib infection is often secondary to trauma or from the direct spread of infection from the underlying lung or pleura. 摘要肋骨發(fā)炎的病灶往往來(lái)自外界創(chuàng )傷或因肋骨下肺實(shí)質(zhì)感染或肋膜腔感染而次發(fā)性發(fā)炎。