- Low utilization ratio of healthcare resources. 衛生資源利用效率不高。
- Low utilization ratio of health care resources. 衛生資源利用效率不高。
- A common theme in much of their work was the adverse effects of high unemployment and low utilization of the capital stock on investment and, therefore , on productivity growth. 我是這樣翻譯的:他們工作中的一個(gè)共同主題就是在投資和生產(chǎn)力增長(cháng)過(guò)程中股本的高閑置率和低利用率兩者之間的相反作用。
- The holistic utilization of resources must be promoted and ecological restoration from farmlands must be conducted in a rational and sequential manner. 努力提高資源綜合利用水平,合理有序地進(jìn)行生態(tài)退耕。
- Cloakroom by the current low utilization of multi-room transform into, and this requires that the local designers to help consumers solve practical problems. 目前的衣帽間多由利用率低的房間改造而成,這就更需要設計師因地制宜地幫助消費者解決實(shí)際問(wèn)題。
- Notable results have been achieved in the protection and rational development and utilization of resources. 資源合理開(kāi)發(fā)利用和保護成效顯著(zhù)。
- Economic development must be conducive to the sustainable utilization of resources and to the virtuous circulation of the ecological system. 經(jīng)濟發(fā)展必須有利于資源的持續利用,有利于生態(tài)系統的良性循環(huán)。
- For the sustainable development, utilization of resources and environmental protection, the main reclamation way for waster rubber was to produce waster rubber powder. 摘要為了可持續發(fā)展、充分利用資源和保護環(huán)境,廢橡膠的回收利用應以生產(chǎn)廢膠粉為主。
- This paper analyzes the reason of low utilization of shuting periodicals And puts forward the corresponding counterplan through the exploitation circumstance of shuting periodicals. 摘要本文通過(guò)湖南圖書(shū)館閉架期刊的利用情況,分析了其閉架期刊利用率偏低的原因,并提出相應對策。
- The results indicate that reasonable collocation of species could improve the utilization of resources and got higher yield for intercropping species. 表明選擇合理的作物配置能夠充分利用各種資源,促進(jìn)種間有益作用,提高作物產(chǎn)量。
- The higher the effectiveness of transformation and utilization of resources, the better the mutualism mechanism could perform. 較高的資源轉換效率和資源使用效率能使互利共生機制得到更充分的體現。
- By means of establishing resources as the institutional arrangement of commodity production and commodity exchange,the effective utilization of resources will be realized. 通過(guò)建立將資源作為商品生產(chǎn)和商品交換的制度安排,實(shí)現資源的有效利用。
- The supreme problem of disk air-jet mill in ultrafine pulverization operation is lower utilization of energy. 圓盤(pán)式氣流粉碎機在超細粉碎作業(yè)中最大的問(wèn)題是能量利用率低。
- For the sustainable development, utilization of resources and environmental protection, the main reclamation way for waster rebber to produce waster rubber powder. 為了可持續發(fā)展、充分利用資源和保護環(huán)境,廢橡膠的回收利用應以生產(chǎn)廢膠粉為主。
- They were handicapped by (a) poverty of resources. 他們因資源短缺處境窘迫。
- Abstract: In intelligent heterogeneous data integration system based on CORBA, utilization of resources has an impact on querying and transaction processing. 摘要:在基于CORBA的智能異構數據集成系統中,資源的不當使用一直影響著(zhù)查詢(xún)的效率和事務(wù)的處理。
- Numerical results reveal that the proposed CAC-RA scheme adapts itself well to multi-service CDMA networks by achieving reasonable utilization of resources. 實(shí)驗數據顯示CAC-RA算法實(shí)現了合理的資源利用和最大的利益值,能較好地適應多業(yè)務(wù)CDMA網(wǎng)絡(luò )。
- To shorten the averaged length of stay (ALS) is of issues about utilization of resources at both levels of hospital and the whole health care system (HCS). 縮短平均住院日是一個(gè)關(guān)于衛生資源利用效率的問(wèn)題,既有微觀(guān)層次醫院水平的效率問(wèn)題,又有宏觀(guān)水平整個(gè)衛生系統的效率問(wèn)題。
- And the ability of reconnecting computation resources and storage resources not only improves the utilization of resources, but also simplifies the management. 計算資源和存儲資源的動(dòng)態(tài)重構,不僅提高了資源的利用率,而且簡(jiǎn)化了管理。
- This paper describes the recent development of agitators and reactors with agitators in view of optimal utilization of resources and protection of environment. 從資源的最合理利用和環(huán)境保護的觀(guān)點(diǎn)論述當今在攪拌器和攪拌容器方面的最新發(fā)展。