- The young man looked askance at the price. 那個(gè)年青人對那個(gè)價(jià)目側目而視。
- Do not look askance at me from afar. 不要遠遠地斜視我。
- They looked askance at her suggestion. 他們對她的建議不以為然。
- Look askance what place should department of gynaecology check? 睇婦科要檢查哪些地方?
- They look askance at "excessive" job mobility , which breeds insecurity. 過(guò)度的工作流動(dòng)衍生社會(huì )不安全,他們對此表示懷疑。
- They look askance at “excessive” job mobility , which breeds insecurity. 過(guò)度的工作流動(dòng)衍生社會(huì )不安全,他們對此表示懷疑。
- The older women in the town looked askance at what the young people were doing. 鎮上上了年紀的女人用懷疑的目光看著(zhù)年輕人所做的一切。
- Disbelieving his unlikely story, she looked askance at Jack. 她用懷疑的目光看著(zhù)杰克,不相信他那靠不住的敘述。
- Not only neighbors to look askance at right, residents also insist that the deadline to move out of volunteers. 不僅鄰居們側目以對,居委會(huì )也堅決要求志愿者們限期搬離。
- Add to attack and jump off the back of a very good job, the full force of strong attacks font look askance at people. 加上后排進(jìn)攻和跳發(fā)球十分出色,這位全面副攻攻擊力之強讓人側目。
- The peasants, for their part, looked askance at the intellectuals. 農民也看不慣知識分子。
- Of course nobody looked askance at that sort of thing in Chengtu. 這樣的事在省城里并不奇怪。
- Disbelieving his unlikely story,she looked askance at Jack. 她用懷疑的目光看著(zhù)杰克,不相信他那靠不住的敘述。
- He looked askance at what the people step off the plane. 他用懷疑的目光打量著(zhù)每一個(gè)從飛機上走下來(lái)的人。
- Some Brazilian officials look askance at Colombia, whose military build-up against the FARC has the backing of the United States. 一些巴西官員對哥倫比亞不無(wú)擔憂(yōu),哥倫比亞為了對付其國內的革命武裝力量游擊隊而進(jìn)行的軍力建設有美國的支持。
- Others look askance at their snigger, this is not familiar with the movie plot下三濫also have to do and such a person for dinner table ashamed. 旁人紛紛側目暗笑,這不是電影中熟悉的下三濫情節嗎同時(shí)也不得不為和這樣的人同桌吃飯而感到羞恥。
- On this week, enters the second trial “the fontanel city tube” with to start “the Nanyang net police” controversial but to, makes one look askance hand in hand. 在本周,進(jìn)入二審的“天門(mén)城管”與開(kāi)始引起爭議的“南陽(yáng)網(wǎng)警”聯(lián)袂而至,令人側目。
- They looked askance at us there and talked with their heads close together. 他們那邊斜著(zhù)眼看我們,把腦袋湊在一起嘀咕。
- The woman showed great suspicion and looked askance at everything the shopman offered for sale. 那婦人顯出疑心很重的樣子,對于店主勸她買(mǎi)的每一樣東西,她都投以懷疑的目光。
- It is him who always looks askance at me after I warmly greeted him. 就是他,在我溫暖的像他問(wèn)好之后,總是白我一眼。