- One of the reforms allows the local education department to choose their own textbooks based upon the national teaching guideline. 其中之一就是允許地方教委在國家教學(xué)大綱的指導下選擇合適自身的教材。
- Discounts are available to local educational authorities purchasing site licences for a number of schools. 對于代表一些學(xué)校統一購買(mǎi)許可的當地教育權威機構,我們提供優(yōu)惠。
- We will extend the urban construction and maintenance tax and education surcharges from Chinese to foreign enterprises and citizens. 統一內外資企業(yè)和個(gè)人城建稅、教育費附加等制度。
- Prisoners who have attended classes and passed the tests given by the local educational department will be given educational certificates equivalent to those issued by educational institutions in the society at large. 罪犯參加文化學(xué)習,經(jīng)當地教育部門(mén)考試合格的,可獲得與社會(huì )教育機構同等效力的學(xué)歷證書(shū)。
- In the educational field the organs of self-government,in accordance with the educational principles of the state and the law,work out their local educational programs and decide on the languages to be used in teaching in the local schools. 在教育領(lǐng)域,各民族自治地方的自治機關(guān)根據國家的教育方針,依照法律規定,決定本地方的教育規劃和各級各類(lèi)學(xué)校的教學(xué)用語(yǔ)。
- In the educational field the organs of self-government, in accordance with the educational principles of the state and the law, work out their local educational programs and decide on the languages to be used in teaching in the local schools. 在教育領(lǐng)域,各民族自治地方的自治機關(guān)根據國家的教育方針,依照法律規定,決定本地方的教育規劃和各級各類(lèi)學(xué)校的教學(xué)用語(yǔ)。
- Local educational offices and schools are able to adjust their timetables properly in response to inclement weather, the Ministry of Education said Tuesday. 教育部23日發(fā)出通知,如遇重大氣象災害,各地可適當調整上課時(shí)間和假期;
- Enhance local education by providing teacher training and improving IT access at schools. 提供教師在資訊科技的培訓及增加校內使用資訊科技的機會(huì )。
- A school-based support scheme was introduced in September 1997 to help these children integrate into the local education system. 一九九七年九月,教育署推行校本支援計劃,發(fā)放整筆津貼給錄取內地新來(lái)港兒童的公營(yíng)學(xué)校。
- Prisoners who have taken educational or technical training courses and passed examinations given by local education or labor departments are given certificates corresponding to their levels of education or technical grades. 罪犯參加文化、技術(shù)學(xué)習,經(jīng)當地教育、勞動(dòng)部門(mén)考核合格的,可獲得相應的學(xué)歷證書(shū)和技術(shù)等級證書(shū)。
- On the domestic issues, they regard traditional family value and against abortion legitimization.They advocate private and local education. 在國內問(wèn)題上,重視傳統家庭價(jià)值,反對墮胎合法化,主張教育私有化和地方化;
- In the summer of 2004, she worked with Professor Stevan Harrell to research local education initiatives in Yunnan and Sichuan Provinces. 在2004年暑假時(shí)她跟郝瑞教授考察了云南省和四川省的本土教材與地方性課程。
- The knowledge of the uniqueness in local education, the appropriate learning techniques thus add to the pluming wings to successful oversea education. 其實(shí),一整套適合本地教育特點(diǎn),行之有效的學(xué)習方法,就等于為成功留學(xué)插上了一雙起飛的翅膀!
- As one form of the local education,country schools in Tang Dynasty had two main responsibilities as cultivators and threshold level educators. 作為基層教育的形式之一,唐代的鄉里村學(xué)擔負著(zhù)教化和啟蒙教育兩方面的主要職責。
- At this level, the Department of Education will only be able to fund around 200 awards for the approximately 3,000 eligible local education agencies. 在這個(gè)水平下,教育部將僅僅能資助大約3,000個(gè)合格的地方教育機構中的200個(gè)左右。
- A syndicate of local businessmen is bidding for the contract. 一個(gè)當地企業(yè)家的聯(lián)合組織在向這一合同投標。
- My husband is a history teacher at the local school. 我丈夫是本地學(xué)校的一位歷史教師。
- His son was indentured to the local blacksmith. 他的兒子拜當地的鐵匠為師簽訂了師徒合同。
- Benefit Appraisal of Local Educational Expenditure 淺論地方教育支出的效益評價(jià)
- Barry is the new news hawk at the local newspaper. 巴利是這家地方報紙最新聘任的新聞?dòng)浾摺?/li>