The coil material can be stacked, reducing feeding time and saving coil changing time. 卷料積材可重疊放置,減少填料次數,節省換料時(shí)間。
The result showed that the backfilling material made with phosphogypsum and fly ash can completely meet the technical demand of industrial fifing. 其試驗結果顯示,用磷石膏和粉煤灰制作膠結充填料是完全滿(mǎn)足現場(chǎng)工藝的要求。
Using coal gangue as raw material, we made a kind of new type polymer reinforcing filler for rubber by ultr. 本論文用煤矸石作原料,通過(guò)超細粉碎,表面改性制成了一種高分子聚合物的補強填充劑。
The biosensing material is the main factor to influence the delicacy, precision and testing scope of the fiber optic biosensor. 而生物傳感材料是影響這類(lèi)光纖生物傳感器靈敏性,精確度和測試范圍的主要因素。