- A shallow body of liquid waste material, as one in a dump. 一洼廢水由廢棄物質(zhì)充斥的淺水體,如在垃圾堆中
- A discharge of liquid waste, as from a factory or nuclear plant. 廢物廢水的排出,尤指從工廠(chǎng)或核電站排出的
- Design of Solid Waste Incineration Plant in Shuangliu Int. Airport. 雙流國際機場(chǎng)垃圾焚燒站設計。
- Study on rebuilding of heat recovery steam generator used in liquid waste incinerator for acrylonitrile Planting 齊魯石化丙烯腈廠(chǎng)廢水焚燒爐余熱鍋爐改造方案研究
- Liquid waste flows out from some factories into the sea. 有些工廠(chǎng)將生產(chǎn)廢水向海中傾瀉。
- The solid and liquid waste are separated before being recycled. 液體的和固體的廢料在需要在回收前分開(kāi)。
- Study on the cause of slag and solution of heat recovery steam generator used in liquid waste incinerator for acrylonitrile planting 丙烯腈裝置廢水焚燒余熱鍋爐結渣原因與解決措施的研究
- Can be used for the incineration of sludges, liquid wastes, as well as for fine-grained to coarse-grained solid wastes. 用于焚燒污泥、液體廢物,也用于固廢從細粒到粗粒的造粒
- Effluent liquid waste that flows out from a factory, etc. 工廠(chǎng)的污水;廢水。
- We oppose waste incineration because it releases into the environment persistent organic pollutants (POPs) such as cancer-causing dioxins. 我們反對廢棄物焚化,是因為它會(huì )釋放如會(huì )致癌的戴奧辛等持久性有機污染物到環(huán)境中。
- To decommission a clinical waste incinerator. 清拆醫療廢物焚化爐。
- Be able to explain the development and revolution of technology of waste incineration. 廢棄物焚化處理現況及發(fā)展與沿革.
- High temperature corrosion problems are reviewed for chemical, petrochemical, petroleum refining, fossil energy, gas turbine and waste incineration industries. 摘要本文針對有關(guān)化學(xué)、石化、石油精煉、燃煤、渦輪引擎葉片及焚化爐等工業(yè)應用環(huán)境上,遭遇之高溫腐蝕問(wèn)題作一回顧。
- Projects involving nuclear energy, large-scale hydro-electric power and waste incineration do not contribute to sustainability. 核能、大規模水電和廢物焚燒的項目無(wú)助于可持續發(fā)展。
- The waste incineration needs to add additives thus causes the high operation cost because of the low calorific value of the waste. 焚燒處理投資大,目前垃圾本身熱值低,需加添加劑,造成運轉成本高。
- Urban domestic wastes incineration is one of main resources of dioxins. 垃圾焚燒是二惡英重要來(lái)源之一。
- The dioxins reduction technology of ash melting in municipal solid waste incineration and the property of ash melting furnace bas been presented. 對近年來(lái)國外所研制的二惡英低減化城市生活垃圾焚燒灰渣熔融處理技術(shù)及其熔融爐的特點(diǎn)作一介紹.
- Hjelmar, O. “Disposal Strategies for Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Residues.” Journals of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 47, pp. 345-368, 1996. 曾豐益,垃圾焚化飛灰及灰渣中重金屬之濃度與分布之探討,碩士論文,國立中央大學(xué)研究所,中壢,1994。
- The flue gases in municipal solid waste incineration must be purified in order to prevent the environment from being polluted secondly. 為了避免城市生活垃圾焚燒對環(huán)境產(chǎn)生二次污染,必須對垃圾焚燒煙氣進(jìn)行凈化處理才能排放。
- It has led to a 9% increase in recovery and incineration at waste incineration plants with energy recovery and an 8% increase in recycling. 它已經(jīng)導致了9 %25的增長(cháng)復蘇和焚化廢物焚燒廠(chǎng),能源回收和增加8 %25的回收。