In otherwords, the vertical component of its linear momentum remains zero, since there is no resultant vertical force. 換句話(huà)說(shuō),因為沒(méi)有豎直方向的合力,所以線(xiàn)動(dòng)量的豎直方向仍為零。
In motions of rotation angular momentum appears in much the same way as linear momentum appears in motion of translation. 在旋轉運動(dòng)中的角動(dòng)量產(chǎn)生的方式與平移運動(dòng)中的線(xiàn)動(dòng)量的產(chǎn)生是基本相似的。
We are interested in determining the amount of linear momentum delivered to the electron by the field. 我們對確定場(chǎng)傳遞給電子的線(xiàn)性動(dòng)量的大小感興趣。
The principle that the total linear momentum in a closed system is constant and is not affected by processes occurring inside the system. 一個(gè)關(guān)閉系統中總線(xiàn)性動(dòng)量保持不變且不被系統內部過(guò)程影響的原理。