- Lightening is usually accompanied by thunder. 閃電總與雷鳴相伴。
- Heavy rain came on the heels of the lightening. 大雨緊跟著(zhù)閃電而來(lái)。
- More lamps will lighten the gloomy room. 多點(diǎn)幾盞燈會(huì )照亮那間陰暗的房間。
- I had a blitz on the kitchen today, and now it's really clean. 我今天在廚房里做了一陣掃除,現在確實(shí)乾凈了。
- If you want to lighten the weight, had better eat little bread. 如果你想減輕體重,最好少吃面包。
- I must have a blitz to get my room tidy. 為把房間搞整潔我必須做好多活。
- Five shops were damaged in a firebomb blitz. 在一次燃燒彈襲擊中有五家店鋪被燒毀。
- The word "blitz" means an attack or campaign. “閃電戰”指一次攻擊或一次戰役。
- Enemy bombers carried out a blitz on the city. 敵軍轟炸機對這座城市進(jìn)行了突襲。
- A lightening splits the dark sky. 一道閃電劃破了黑暗的天空。
- Many people died in the London blitz. 許多人在倫敦大空襲中喪生。
- Cargo or equipment thrown overboard to lighten a ship in distress. 投棄物當船遇難時(shí)為了減輕船重而拋至船外的貨物或設備
- A media blitz focused on young voters. 集中于年輕投票人的一種中庸的激烈競爭
- The lightening splintered a tree. 閃電把一棵樹(shù)劈開(kāi)了。
- But, Blitz does have two basic virtues. 但是,Blitz確實(shí)有兩個(gè)基本優(yōu)點(diǎn)。
- To rush(the quarterback)in a blitz. 在突擊中帶球沖向敵線(xiàn)(四分衛)
- To rush(the quarterback) in a blitz. 在突擊中帶球沖向敵線(xiàn)(四分衛)
- The sky was beginning to lighten. 天空開(kāi)始在改變顏色。
- Many people died in the London blitz . 許多人在倫敦大空襲中喪生。
- Loud thunder comes hard on the heels of lightening. 巨大的雷聲緊跟著(zhù)閃電而來(lái)。