- The doctor' s fee was fifty dollars for a complete physical examination. 作一次全面體檢,醫生要收五十塊錢(qián)。
- Date adjustment of management fee collection. 回復:調整物業(yè)管理費收費日期。
- Entrance fee collection point or shroff office. 收費設施--如入場(chǎng)費收費處或售票處。
- Such problems exist in school fee collecting as poor information flow, single collecting way and intentional even malicious arrearage. 摘要學(xué)費收繳工作中存在著(zhù)信息流轉不暢、收繳方式單一、故意甚至惡意欠費等問(wèn)題。
- Location problem in emergency systems often regrads “t he shortest t ime" as the objective,it may result in largely raising system s fee. 以往的應急系統選址問(wèn)題通常僅把"時(shí)間最短"作為系統的優(yōu)化目標,易導致系統的費用大大提高。
- In the models compare analysis, TAM, C-TAM-TPB and UTAUT show certain degree of adaptability in the parking fee collecting industry, but TAM and UTAUT perform better. 而在模式路徑分析及比較分析中,科技接受模式,C-TAM-TPB,UTAUT等模式對于實(shí)證產(chǎn)業(yè)都具有一定的適用性,但其中科技接受模式及UTAUT模式之適用性較佳。
- But the boy says the agent ended up making a secret deal with a factory, and pocketing half the boy’s pay as a finder’s fee. 但是男孩兒說(shuō)原來(lái)介紹人是和工廠(chǎng)做秘密交易,而且把他一半的工資作為獵頭費收走了。
- We'll refund up to $100 per person, including GP's fee and laboratory costs. Wellness Benefits do not apply to dependent children (under 19 years) included on your plan. 每名受保成人將獲退回最高%24100,此包括家庭醫生費及化驗費用。此健康獎勵并不適用于在保單內受保的19歲以下受撫養的兒童成員。
- System for fee collecting in running 不停車(chē)收費系統
- Experiments in the reform of the tax and fee collection system in rural areas were gradually expanded and notable progress was made. 農村稅費改革試點(diǎn)逐步擴大,取得明顯成效。
- Advertising agents and publishers shall make public their standards and methods for fee collection. 廣告經(jīng)營(yíng)者、廣告發(fā)布者應當公布其收費標準和收費辦法。
- However, controversially, a user could create a subdomain site with someone else’s feed. 不過(guò),這里有些爭議,用戶(hù)通過(guò)他人的博客源來(lái)創(chuàng )建自己的主頁(yè)。
- The prepaid student health fee collected from all enrolled students helps support the service. 入學(xué)的學(xué)生每人所預繳的保健費,是衛生服務(wù)處經(jīng)費來(lái)源的一部分。
- In addition, the breaching party agrees to pay all attorney’s fees, and legal and other expenses and disbursements necessary to enforce this contract. 此外,違約方還應承擔(產(chǎn)生的)所有的律師費、法定的和其他執行本合同所必需的費用和支出。
- If using fully contactless smart card system for parking fee collection, the total benefit is positive and higher then present state. 若路外停車(chē)收費全面使用單一悠游卡系統,則小汽車(chē)或者機車(chē)之總效益皆為正效益。
- MITI,Manufacturer of Wheel Locks, Parks and Recreation Equipment, Automated Fee Collection systems, and Portable Decontamination Equipment. MITI是輪鎖,停車(chē)場(chǎng)和娛樂(lè )設備,自動(dòng)收費系統以及便攜式凈化裝備的生產(chǎn)商。
- The college library is a favorite haunt. 大學(xué)圖書(shū)館是人們喜歡的地方。
- Before the enforcement of collection of fuel oil surcharges, the existing road maintenance fee collection regulations shall be in force. 燃油附加費征收辦法施行前,仍實(shí)行現行的公路養路費征收辦法。
- He is a vast library in epitome. 他腦中有萬(wàn)卷藏書(shū)。
- He gave away his books to a circulating library. 他把自己的書(shū)籍損贈給一家循環(huán)圖書(shū)館。