- The ducklings were spirited away without anybody s knowledge. 這些小鴨子人不知鬼不覺(jué)地被偷走了。
- The hypothesis of the liberal man prevailing in the Hellenistic Ages deems that the hypostasis of man is spiritual liberty. 自由人盛行于希臘化時(shí)期,認為人的本質(zhì)是精神自由。
- I need to liberate man from sin. 我必需將人們由罪中解放出來(lái)。
- This is why God Himself cannot liberate man from his aloneness: it is man’s greatness that he is centered within himself. 重要聲明:本討論區是以即時(shí)上載留言的方式運作,本站對所有留言的真實(shí)性、完整性及立場(chǎng)等,不負任何法律責任。
- Conclusions Thus, it is very necessary to improve mother s knowledge on serious symptom of ARI and CDD... 結論通過(guò)各種形式的健康教育來(lái)提高ARI、CDD重癥識別知識及家庭護理知識知曉率是十分必要的。
- But the expert"s knowledge is limited, subjective and difficult to gam sometimes. 但專(zhuān)家的知識經(jīng)驗往往是有限的,獲取也較困難,且可能存在一定的主觀(guān)性。
- Bjorn,S,Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning,Diploma Thesis Semtember IESE,1999. 蔡丞,企業(yè)知識地圖建構方法之研究,國立中山大學(xué)資訊管理研究所碩士論文,2002。
- According to Marxism, the man himself is the nature of man, and the materialized society should be denied so that the allied society of the liberal men can be realized. 人本身就是人的最高本質(zhì),要揚棄和否定“人依賴(lài)于物”的“物化社會(huì )”,實(shí)現“自由人聯(lián)合體社會(huì )”。
- Thus, it is very necessary to improve mother s knowledge on serious symptom of ARI and CDD and family nursing through multiform health education. 通過(guò)各種形式的健康教育來(lái)提高ARI、CDD重癥識別知識及家庭護理知識知曉率是十分必要的。
- It does not liberate man, but takes away his dignity and enslaves him. 極權主義不但不解放人,反而剝奪人的尊嚴,使人成為奴隸。
- The system can use machine learning to know learner’s knowledge level and preferences, thus can give individualize instructional strategy. 系統根據學(xué)生的個(gè)性化特征,給他們提供適應性的學(xué)習材料。
- It does not liberate man, it enslaves man.It is oppressive, it is ugly. 它們不是解放一個(gè)人,它們使一個(gè)人成為奴役的,它是沉重的,它是丑陋的。
- Certain types of spyware use "self-resuscitating" code, which allows the spyware to recreate itself without the user’s knowledge. 某些類(lèi)型的間諜使用“自我復活的”代碼,其允許間諜在用戶(hù)不知情的狀況下重建自己。
- Human"s knowledge is continuously enriched and updated.However, by contrast to the objective world, it is incomplete, undependable and uncertain. 人類(lèi)的知識在不斷豐富、不斷更新,但相對客觀(guān)世界,它又是不完全的、不可靠的和不確定的。
- Soros has the advantage of an insider’s knowledge of the working of global capitalism, so his criticism is particularly pointed. 索羅斯具有業(yè)內人士的優(yōu)勢,了解全球資本主義的運行,因此他的批評會(huì )受到特別關(guān)注。
- Contribute to the development of GHD's knowledge and skills in mining engineering including planning, design and construction. 致力于GHD在采礦工程包括規劃,設計和建筑方面知識技能的發(fā)展。
- This article expounds lead-doctor Xie Changren s knowledge on Wu Jutong s theory about purgation,and on its clinical application. 本文論述了謝昌仁主任醫師對吳鞠通有關(guān)下法的理論和五承氣湯的認識以及臨床應用的經(jīng)驗。
- Have you come across a liberated man, or does liberation mean, among other things, also abandoning the body? 你可曾遇上解脫的人,或者解脫的其中一個(gè)先決條件是否要放棄色身?
- As a historical category,the medical pattern tends to be consummated with the development of people s knowledge of life,health and ailment. 人類(lèi)醫學(xué)模式是一個(gè)歷史范疇,隨著(zhù)人們對于生命、健康與疾病的認識程度發(fā)展而不斷地趨向完善。
- A stunt man needs to have a good guardian angel. 當特技替身演員的得有個(gè)守護天使來(lái)保佑。