- No Legal Burden of Proof on Judge 關(guān)于法院不應當承擔證明責任的思考
- The second question is that of the burden of proof. 第二個(gè)問(wèn)題是舉證責任的問(wèn)題。
- The burden of proof devolved upon the defendant. 證明的重擔便落到了被告頭。
- Burden of proof in civil proceedings II. 民事證明責任研究2。
- The burden of proof rests on the prosecution alone. 唯有檢方負有舉證責任
- The burden of proof rests on him. 他必須拿出證據來(lái)。
- The burden of proof in each case shall be on the complainant. 在各種情況下舉證的責任均在申訴方。
- The legal burden of proof 也叫法定的證明負擔
- The burden of proof of the persecution rests with the refugee. 提供迫害證據的責任取決于難民。
- The family can seek legal compensation only through a lawsuit, with the burden of proof that substandard care has caused the death of the victim. 受害者家庭只能通過(guò)打官司,證明被告方提供了不符合標準的操作造成受害者的死亡,來(lái)爭取司法賠償。
- On Burden of Proof in Criminal Evidence Law in U. S. A.%26 U. K. 英美刑事證據法中的證明責任問(wèn)題。
- The burden of proof lay on the plaintiff to prove negligence. 證明對方犯有疏忽罪的舉證責任落在原告身上。
- It mostly comedowntodistribution of burden of proof in mordem law system. 這在現代法律制度中主要涉及到證明責任的分配問(wèn)題。
- Res ipsa loquitur does not normally entail a presumption of the defendant's fault, nor a shift in the burden of proof. 事實(shí)自證制度通常并不涉及對被告過(guò)錯的推定,也不必定導致舉證責任的倒置。
- In this situation, the burden of proof as to apportionment is upon each defendant. 在這種情況下,按比例分配的舉證責任就落在被告人身上。
- In the trial of a law suit the party who has the burden of proof has the right to open and close. 在訴訟案件的審理過(guò)程中,有舉證責任的一方當事人有開(kāi)場(chǎng)和結束的權利。
- The burden of proof devolved upon the defendant. The estate devolved to an unlikely heir. 舉證責任被移交給被告;遺產(chǎn)被交給了一個(gè)不可靠的繼承人
- The onus of proof lies with you. 你有責任提供證據。
- So we should bring the element of illegality into the constitution of crime to retrieve the allotment function of the burden of proof. 為此,需要將違法性要件納入犯罪構成,以恢復其對證明責任的分配功能。
- Proof system is central in the system of civil lawsuit, and the burden of proof is crucial to the proof system. 摘要證據制度在民事訴訟制度中處于天然的核心地位,而證明責任則是這一核心中的核心。