- However as means assessment of legal aid applicants was one of the two cardinal criteria for granting legal aid, waiving means test should be very restrictive. 不過(guò),鑒于對法律援助申請人進(jìn)行的經(jīng)濟審查是提供法律援助的兩大主要評審標準之一,豁免經(jīng)濟審查的做法應加以嚴格限制。
- A row share table lock is the least restrictive mode of table lock, offering the highest degree of concurrency for a table. 行共享模式的表級鎖的限制程度最低,因而能夠保證表的最大的并發(fā)訪(fǎng)問(wèn)能力。
- Of course, with open source that lock is a lot less restrictive. 當然,使用開(kāi)源這種限制會(huì )少很多。
- A check-in lock is less restrictive than a check-out lock. 簽入鎖的限制少于簽出鎖。
- A judge may grant legal aid on his own initiative if the applicant satisfies the means test. 此外,如申請人通過(guò)經(jīng)濟審查,法官有權自行批準給予法律援助。
- Special education is specially designed instruction, at no cost to parents, to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability in the least restrictive environment. 特殊教育無(wú)需家長(cháng)掏費用,是專(zhuān)門(mén)滿(mǎn)足有殘疾的孩子在受限環(huán)境中的需求的一種專(zhuān)門(mén)設計的教育。
- Note: N means test number; TNB means total number born; NBA means number born alive; SD means standard deviation. 注:N為總記錄數,TNB為平均總產(chǎn)仔數,NBA為平均產(chǎn)活仔數,SD為標準差。
- Needy students who pass the means test will receive a subsidy for home-school travel during term time. 經(jīng)濟有困難的學(xué)生通過(guò)入息審查后,可獲發(fā)津貼,資助學(xué)年中往返居所和學(xué)校的交通費。
- Needy students who passed the means test will receive a subsidy for home-school travel during term time. 經(jīng)濟有困難的學(xué)生通過(guò)入息審查后,可獲發(fā)津貼,資助學(xué)年中往返居所和學(xué)校的交通費。
- Prof.McGonagall asked for the faculty to review proper student disciplinary procedures, running from the least restrictive (losing points, detention) to most restrictive (expulsion). 麥格教授要求全體教員復習正確的學(xué)生訓戒程序,從最低層的限制(扣分,關(guān)禁閉)到最高層的限制(開(kāi)除)。
- Council considered whether discretion to waive means test should be extended from "capital offences" to other serious criminal offences punishable by life sentence. 本局考慮了這項豁免經(jīng)濟審查的酌情權應否由“死刑罪行”擴大至可判處終身監禁的其他嚴重刑事罪行。
- Notwithstanding the refusal of a legal aid application by the Director of Legal Aid, a judge may himself grant aid if the applicant has satisfied the means test. 即使法律援助署署長(cháng)拒絕申請人的申請,但假如申請人能通過(guò)經(jīng)濟審查,則可由法官批準給予法律援助。
- Please try again with less restrictions. 請以較少限制再?lài)L試一次。
- Less restricted access to internal Web sites. 內部網(wǎng)站訪(fǎng)問(wèn)的限制更少。
- Adaptive Server Enterprise has a less restrictive name space for index names than Adaptive Server Anywhere. 對于索引名,Adaptive Server Enterprise的命名空間限制比Adaptive Server Anywhere的少。
- The prevailing of these restrictions means oil internationalisation is less than real globalization. 這兩方面“石油貿易措施”的存在使得石油市場(chǎng)之國際性,尚不具有真正的全球性。
- By default, user and application domain policies are less restrictive than machine and enterprise policy. 默認情況下,用戶(hù)策略和應用程序域策略的限制性小于計算機策略和企業(yè)級策略。
- Sadly, that sometimes means tests are weakened to make them automatable. 令人遺憾的是, 有時(shí)候測試案例方法使他們自動(dòng)測試的意義不大 。
- If not, use the next less restrictive option, and so forth. It is a matter of trial and error. 如果不是這樣,利用今后較少限制性的選擇,等等。這是一個(gè)試驗和錯誤。
- Based on this joint probabilities we developed a new statistic for the test of linkage.Finally,we compared the powers of the new statistic,TDT and the mean test. 其后,由聯(lián)合機率造出一個(gè)新的統計量,并以模擬方法比較新的統計量與均值檢定及傳遞不平衡檢定的檢定力表現。