- The humanisation of industrial buildings can be moulded from the aspects as layout of function and traffic, ouvside entironment, inside space and the construction of entity. 工業(yè)建筑的人性化可以從功能與交通布局、外部環(huán)境、內部空間、建構實(shí)體等幾個(gè)方面來(lái)塑造。
- A redesigned magazine suites have a network connection and zoom in and out of the layout of function, or you can tie a comment, you can also search and playback screen. 經(jīng)過(guò)重新設計的雜志版面具有網(wǎng)絡(luò )連接和放大和縮小版面的功能,也可以在上面打批注,還可以檢索關(guān)鍵詞和播放畫(huà)面。
- Number of function keys on the Keyboard. 鍵盤(pán)上功能鍵的數目。
- What is the layout of this house like? 房子的格局如何?
- The designer chooses the layout of reinforcement. 設計者選擇鋼筋布置。
- The robbers studied the layout of the bank. 這伙強盜研究了銀行的布局。
- Can change the layout of branches. 可以更改分支布局。
- Gets or sets the layout of the check boxes. 獲取或設置復選框的布局。
- Layout, The layout of this website is pretty neat. 就是說(shuō)網(wǎng)站布局很清晰易懂。
- The layout of a printed circuit. 印刷電路設計圖。
- The minister has to attend all kinds of functions. 部長(cháng)必須參加各種集會(huì )。
- The layout of the page is not important. 頁(yè)的布局并不重要。
- Out of function in the touching feature. 觸摸燈的觸摸功能失靈。
- A free-form string indicating the format and layout of the Keyboard. 自由形式字符串,用于表示鍵盤(pán)的格式和布局。
- Specifies the start of function evaluation. 指定函數計算的開(kāi)始位置。
- EMl is analyzed in layout of PCB design. 本文著(zhù)重考慮了現代PCB電路設計中的電磁兼容問(wèn)題,分析了PCB電路中布線(xiàn)出現的電磁干擾問(wèn)題。
- False layout of printed sheet parameter! 錯誤的版面參數!
- Contents and Layout of a Project Planning Report. 研究計畫(huà)規劃書(shū)之內涵和配置。
- The system is consisted of multiscreen,multiwindow,menu,key-press ICON,mouse,typical keyboard,function keyboard with safety and reliability. 該系統將多屏、多窗口、菜單、按鍵、ICON、鼠標、標準鍵盤(pán)、功能鍵盤(pán)有機地結合為一體,既安全又可靠。
- Seldom has a single concept played so important a role in mathematics as has the concept of function. 很少有一個(gè)概念象函數的概念那樣在數學(xué)中起如此重要的作用。