- The clinic of premature newborns with late metabolic acidosis and discussion of its impressive factors 早產(chǎn)兒晚發(fā)性酸中毒的臨床特征及其影響因素
- late metabolic acidosis 晚期代謝性酸中毒
- A number of intoxicants are associated with metabolic acidosis. 許多毒性物質(zhì)可引起代謝性酸中毒。
- Status suggests a mixed metabolic acidosis and respiratory alkalosis. 病人的酸堿平衡狀態(tài)提示混合性代謝性酸中毒和呼吸性堿中毒。
- Metabolic acidosis had the same occurrence with metabolic alkalosis. 呼酸型>呼堿型,代酸與代堿基本相當;
- However, the patient expired after a few days due to persistent metabolic acidosis and multiple organ failure. 然而,這位病人幾天后因持續的代謝性酸中毒及多發(fā)性器官衰竭逝世。
- Biochemical investigations showed hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, hypochloremia, metabolic acidosis and large amount of urinary sodium excretion. 經(jīng)過(guò)適當治療和水分補充,臨床腸胃癥狀很快獲得緩解。
- Influences of acute metabolic acidosis and epinephrine on plasma potassium concentration in dogs. 急性代謝性酸中毒和腎上腺素對血漿鉀離子濃度的影響。
- A few hours later, she became comatose, with a Glasgow coma scale of 11, and developed hypotension and metabolic acidosis. 幾小時(shí)后,她進(jìn)入昏迷狀態(tài),格拉斯哥昏迷評分為11分,并出現低血壓和代謝性酸中毒。
- Hematologic studies revealed severe hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia and metabolic acidosis. 血液學(xué)研究顯示有嚴重高磷血癥、低鈣血癥和代謝性酸中毒。
- Chronic respiratory alkalosis( CRA), CRA plus metabolic alkalosis and metabolic acidosis are seldom. 慢性呼吸性堿中毒、性呼吸性堿中毒并代謝性堿中毒和代謝性酸中毒是少見(jiàn)的。
- Conclusion Metabolic acidosis with respiratory acidosis was most common in neonates in NICU. 結論NICU中新生兒以代謝性酸中毒合并呼吸性酸中毒為最多見(jiàn)。
- Conclusion Metabolic acidosis as a result of higher protein intake does not detrimentally affect nutritional status. 結論 由于高蛋白膳食攝入增加導致的代謝性酸中毒在中短期對患者綜合營(yíng)養狀態(tài)無(wú)明顯負性影響。
- Severe hyperosmolar metabolic acidosis due to a large dose of intravenous lorazepam. 靜脈大劑量勞拉西泮引起嚴重的高滲性代謝性酸中毒。
- It would cause metabolic acidosis,metabolic alkalosis and respiratory alkalosis. 妊娠劇吐易導致代謝性酸中毒+代謝性堿中毒+呼吸性堿中毒。
- Routine laboratory tests showed a mild anemia, metabolic acidosis and elevation of plasma creatine phosphokinase. 實(shí)驗室檢查發(fā)現輕度貧血、謝性酸中毒、漿肌酸激酶增高。
- A few hours later, she became comatose, with a Glasgow coma scale of11, and developed hypotension and metabolic acidosis. 幾小時(shí)后,她進(jìn)入昏迷狀態(tài),格拉斯哥昏迷評分為11分,并出現低血壓和代謝性酸中毒。
- Severe hyperphosphatemia Fatal hyperphosphatemia Hematologic studies revealed severe hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia and metabolic acidosis. 血液學(xué)研究顯示有嚴重高磷血癥、低鈣血癥和代謝性酸中毒。
- Results 83 cases (96.51%) had acid base disturbance,in which the metabolic acidosis with respiratory acidosis was most common (61.63%). 結果 83例 ( 96 5 1%25 )存在酸堿紊亂 ,其中以代謝性酸中毒合并呼吸性酸中毒為最多見(jiàn) ( 6 1 6 3%25 )。
- Low arterial oxygen tension occured in patients with acid-base disorders which metabolic acidosis were predominant, (t =3.185, P=0.044). 以代酸為主酸堿失衡組中,PaO_2也較無(wú)酸堿失衡組顯著(zhù)暨南大學(xué)碩士論文J亂降低(t=3 .;185,P=0