- Several larcenies and robberies happen in this area. 這一地區發(fā)生了幾起盜竊搶劫案件。
- The law forbids stealing and robbery. 法律禁止偷盜和搶劫。
- Cover loss of money due to theft and robbery. 賠償個(gè)人被竊或被搶劫的個(gè)人錢(qián)財。
- It happens some theft and robbery in this zone. 這一地區發(fā)生了幾起盜竊搶劫案件。
- He was serving a twenty-year sentence for assault and robbery. 他犯有襲擊罪和搶劫罪,正在服20年徒刑。
- Several cases of pilferage and robbery occured in this district. 這一地區發(fā)生了幾起盜竊搶劫案件。
- They had confessed to murder, looting and robbery in the court. 在法庭上,他們已經(jīng)供認了謀殺、盜取和搶劫行為。
- You're looking at grand larceny and obtaining property under false pretenses. 你將會(huì )被控大宗盜竊 以及偽造文件侵占財產(chǎn)
- Several burglaries and robberies took place in this area. 這一地區發(fā)生了幾起盜竊搶劫案件。
- Several thefts and robberies were found in the region. 這一地區發(fā)生了幾起盜竊搶劫案件。
- Several pilferage and robberies have happened in this area. 這一地區發(fā)生了幾起盜竊搶劫案件。
- A small sum of money is supposed to be forked out quarterly for burglary and robbery insurance. 每季度要交一小筆防盜防搶保險金。
- We consider the finitude between the larceny and the dualism of criminal law, and we also hope to pay attention to the developments and changes of the theory of the Criminal Law in network space. 并從可罰到當罰、盜竊罪與其他犯罪界限的兩個(gè)問(wèn)題進(jìn)行了思考,希望能借此管窺網(wǎng)絡(luò )空間中刑法理論的發(fā)展與變革。
- Graeme Alford spent several years in Pentridge Prison, Melbourne, for embezzlement and robbery. 艾佛德因為盜用公款與搶劫,在墨爾本的潘特里吉監獄待了幾年。
- I am convinced, that if all men were to live as simply as I then did, thieving and robbery would be unknown. 我確實(shí)相信,如果所有的人都生活得跟我一樣簡(jiǎn)單,愉竊和搶劫便不會(huì )發(fā)生了。
- Iwill not stand by and let this barbarism, murder, rape and robbery goon in my name. 我再也忍受不了兇殘、謀殺、強奸和搶劫整日的和我聯(lián)系在一起了。
- The search for a jury in O.J.Simpson's kidnapping and robbery trial willcontinue on for a third day. 有關(guān)辛普森綁架搶劫案的審判搜索工作已經(jīng)進(jìn)入第三天。
- For they know not to do right, saith the LORD, who store up violence and robbery in their palaces. 那些以強暴搶奪財物,積蓄在自己家中的人,不知道行正直的事。這是耶和華說(shuō)的。
- MBA pleaded guilty to manslaughter and robbery, and was sent to a youth justice centre for three years. MBA被判殺人罪和搶劫罪,被送往一個(gè)青年司法中心關(guān)押三年。
- I hit him fair and square on the jaw. 我不偏不倚打中他的下巴。