- The swindle of rivers and lakes. 江湖騙局。
- Article 23 The plans for the comprehensive control,development and utilization of rivers and lakes should be in accordance with the general plans for land use. 第二十三條江河、湖泊綜合治理和開(kāi)發(fā)利用規劃,應當與土地利用總體規劃相銜接。
- A land of heavy forestsand barren deserts, of high-peaked mountainsand deep canyons, America also enjoys bountiful rivers and lakes. 除許多森林、荒蕪的沙漠、多高峰的山脈和深深的峽谷以外,美國還有很多河流和湖泊。
- Article 23 The plans for the comprehensive control, development and utilization of rivers and lakes should be in accordance with the general plans for land use. 第二十三條 江河、湖泊綜合治理和開(kāi)發(fā)利用規劃,應當與土地利用總體規劃相銜接。
- A land of heavy forests (311 million hectares) and barren deserts, of high-peaked mountains (McKinley rises to 6,300 meters) and deep canyons, America also enjoys bountiful rivers and lakes. 除許多森林(達3、11億公頃)、荒蕪的沙漠、多高峰的山脈(麥金萊山海拔6300米)和深深的峽谷以外,美國還有很多河流和湖泊。
- Flood control planning constitutes the bas is for the control of rivers and lakes and the construction of flood control works. 防洪規劃是江河、湖泊治理和防洪工程設施建設的基本依據。
- Apart from slight pollution in several sections of rivers,the water quality of the region's rivers and lakes is good. 水體除個(gè)別河段輕度污染外,全區江河湖泊水質(zhì)良好。
- Before the 1980s, the village will fine Liede, tree-shaded, sweet fruit is known by the Lingnan region of rivers and lakes. 80年代以前,獵德村一帶鳥(niǎo)語(yǔ)花香、綠樹(shù)成蔭、水果清甜,是遠近聞名的嶺南水鄉。
- Is following the childhood ballad, Le Manyao and the Lu calf grows together in the sky blue sea extravagant fishing rice region of rivers and lakes. 伴隨著(zhù)童年的歌謠,樂(lè )滿(mǎn)瑤和魯小牛在天藍海闊的漁米水鄉一起成長(cháng)。
- Although cliff-nesting golden eagles are most common, bald eagles like the adult perched on this subalpine fir also occur, especially along the edges of rivers and lakes. 盡管傍懸崖為巢的金雕更為常見(jiàn),但如圖中所示,棲息在亞高山帶冷杉木上的成年白頭鷹也并不罕見(jiàn),尤其在河流、湖泊的邊緣地帶。
- Across of a network of waterways, laky dotted, it is typical Changjiang Delta a region of rivers and lakes, whole town water amounts to 5100 mus, rich is rich. 河網(wǎng)交叉,湖泊星羅棋布,是典型的江南水鄉,全鎮水面達5100畝,自然資源豐富。
- Article 21 The control of rivers and lakes shall follow the principle of unified control in line with water systems combined with control at different levels in order to strength the protect ion and ensure the smooth passage. 第二十一條 河道、湖泊管理實(shí)行按水系統一管理和分級管理相結合的原則,加強防護,確保暢通。
- Software Description: About Rivers and Lakes, This screen saver displays beautiful changing pictures of river and lake scenery including trees, waterfalls and mountains. 這個(gè)屏幕保護程序顯示包括樹(shù),瀑布,小河和湖泊的美麗景色。
- Many rivers and lakes are polluted. 許多河流和湖泊被污染。
- People go swimming in rivers and lakes. 人們到江湖中游泳。
- The control of rivers and lakes and the construction of flood control works should conform to the comprehensive plans for river basins and be integrated with the comprehensive exploration of water resources in river basins. 江河、湖泊治理以及防洪工程設施建設,應當符合流域綜合規劃,與流域水資源的綜合開(kāi)發(fā)相結合。
- Barricades source base area of 6 square kilometers, springs murmuring, Poplar green, landscapes form a contrast, the environment quiet, small bridges people with one of rivers and lakes scenery. 拒馬源泉群面積達6平方公里,泉水淙淙,白楊綠地,山水相映,環(huán)境清幽,小橋流水人家,一派水鄉風(fēng)光。
- How does the humanity conquer the rivers and lakes? 人類(lèi)如何面對江湖?
- Overexploitation of water resources has given rise to a series of environmental and ecological problems, including desiccation of rivers and lakes and decline in groundwater supply. 同時(shí),由于水資源開(kāi)發(fā)過(guò)度,出現了河湖干涸、地下水衰竭等一系列的環(huán)境和生態(tài)問(wèn)題。
- As a result, many rivers and lakes are now dead. 結果,許多河流和湖泊現在已經(jīng)不復存在了。