- Modern pulp and paper industry in Finland and the trend of kraft pulping process are introduced and the comparison between ECF and TCF is made in this paper. 介紹了芬蘭的森林資源和現代化的造紙工業(yè),對硫酸鹽法制漿的發(fā)展趨勢也做了介紹,并對ECF和TCF漂白進(jìn)行了比較。
- A New Kappa Number Soft Sensing Model in Batch Kraft Pulping Process 基于雙取樣點(diǎn)的立鍋間歇蒸煮過(guò)程卡伯值軟測量模型
- A preliminary research was carried out for the medium concentration and low pollution OHQP bleaching process of hemp core kraft pulp. 對大麻芯稈硫酸鹽漿OHQP中濃少污染漂白工藝進(jìn)行了初步研究。
- The paper introduces the manufacture process and equipment of the lower dirt masson's pine bleached kraft pulp in Fujian Yuexiu Shaowu Pulp&Paper Manufacturing Co.,Ltd. 介紹福建越秀邵武制漿造紙有限公司低塵埃漂白漿的制造工藝及其主要設備,并結合生產(chǎn)實(shí)踐經(jīng)驗對漂白漿生產(chǎn)中常見(jiàn)塵埃的產(chǎn)生原因及其控制技術(shù)進(jìn)行了探討。
- Application of Support Vector Machine Method in Soft Measurement of Kappa Number of Kraft Pulping Process 支持向量機在紙漿蒸煮過(guò)程Kappa值軟測量中的應用研究
- As a conclusion,the D0(EOP)D1 bleaching sequence is a good choice for the ECF bleaching of bamboo kraft pulp. 綜合考慮漂白漿的白度、白度穩定性、強度和對環(huán)境的友好性,D0(EOP)D1漂序是硫酸鹽竹漿ECF漂白的較佳選擇。
- During green liquor pretreatment-kraft pulping process,both pretreatment and kraft cooking variables influence the carboxyl groups content of the pulp. 綠液預處理和硫酸鹽蒸煮工藝參數影響紙漿的羧基含量。
- Appropriate rare earth complex was introduced to protect carbohydrates from degradation in oxygen bleaching of unbleached kraft pulp. 硫酸鹽木漿氧漂處理中,加入適量的稀土絡(luò )合物助劑,能起到保護碳水化合物的作用。
- During green liquor pretreatment-kraft pulping process, both pretreatment and kraft cooking variables influence the carboxyl groups content of the pulp. 綠液預處理和硫酸鹽蒸煮工藝參數影響紙漿的羧基含量。
- The impact of laccase treatment on the strength of an unbleached kraft pulp was investigated in the paper. 結果表明,經(jīng)不同處理的針葉木未漂硫酸鹽漿其濕抗張強度和濕耐破度均有不同程度的提高。
- The influence of kraft pulp consistency on the reflecting spectrum was studied in detail. 就硫酸鹽紙漿濃度對紙漿反射光譜的影響進(jìn)行了研究。
- A newmethod for the measurement of the kappa number of Kraft pulp with reflecting spectrum is presented. 提出了采用反射光譜測量紙漿卡伯值的新方法。
- The results showed that the conventional continuous cooking could be used to produce kenaf kraft pulp. 進(jìn)行了硫酸鹽法模擬連續蒸煮實(shí)驗,詳細探討了全稈紅麻的制漿性能。
- Effect of amino sulfonic acid on hypochlorite bleaching of masson pine kraft pulp was experimented. 試驗了氨基磺酸對馬尾松硫酸鹽化學(xué)木漿次氯酸鹽漂白的影響。
- The factors affecting oxygen delignification of fast-growing eucalyptus kraft pulp with kappa number 17. 對卡伯值為17.;1的速生桉木硫酸鹽漿進(jìn)行了氧脫木素各影響因素的研究。
- In this paper, less chlorine bleaching of mixed hardwoods kraft pulp was investigated. 對硬雜木硫酸鹽漿的少氯漂白進(jìn)行了研究。
- In this paper, electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis( ESCA) and electron spin resonance( ESR) were used to observe the changes in surface characteristics of kraft pulp. 本文借助化學(xué)分析電子能譜儀(SCA)電子自旋共振波譜儀(SR)研究了硫酸鹽木漿稀土助漂時(shí)表面性狀的變化。
- The unbleached kraft pulp was dealt with a high-shear fiber kneader,moreover,the pulp properties and paper strength properties were measured. 用高剪切纖維離解機對未漂白硫酸鹽漿進(jìn)行處理,并測定了紙漿的性能和漿張物理性能。
- ECF bleaching of the modified kraft pulp (MK) and conventional kraft pulp (CK) of Pinus elliottii was carried out in this study. 對南方濕地松改良硫酸鹽法漿(MK漿)和常規硫酸鹽法漿(CK漿)進(jìn)行了ECF漂白的研究。
- Steam explosion pulping process was used in producing aspen high yield pulps. 采用汽蒸爆破法制楊木高得率漿。